Edited on Tue Feb-17-09 01:35 AM by GreenTea
So how could anyone expect change?
Fox News - Murdoch, ABC -Disney, CBS - Viacom, NBC - General Electric, CNN - Time-Warner
All five are major contributors to the republican party and three are in the top ten of all republican contributors...All five CEO/Owners are extremely right-wing republicans.
A network news is only as progressive as it's CEO and the editors they choose.
This isn't by accident, republicans know by owning the me4dia they can lie, smear & distort the Dems message and the truth and they can get their sick elitist republican message packaged nice and neatly for their hateful selfish sheep.
The key is ownership and not letting the Dems have a chance to buy stations (most republicans around the country would rather lose revenue then see liberals buy their station). republican hate radio with over 90% of the stations are republican right-wing hate mongers.
And by your starting this thread you can certainly understand why!