Lunar power could play a significant part in the UK's energy mix. The Moon's gravitational pull on our oceans means the British Isles are surrounded by strong tidal flows and engineers are aiming to tap them with undersea turbines. But maintaining underwater tidal mills could be difficult.
One group thinks it has the answer. Swanturbines has deliberately simplified its design to minimise the risk of problems. The Swansea-based team recognises that the harsh sub-sea environment can take its toll on moving parts and control sub-systems so it has eliminated those elements more likely to require regular maintenance or repair. The result, it claims, is a cheaper and more versatile solution than its rivals'.
'We've gone for a direct drive, low-speed permanent magnet generator,' said Swanturbines' co-founder Dr Ian Masters. 'It gives a single moving part, which is an advantage. We looked at all the things that one could have, such as pitch control, pitch motors, the whole drive train. We said to ourselves, "Let's leave all those things out and do something else to reduce the risks."'
The team has spent five years developing its answer. The key is fault-tolerant electronics which generate DC. The electric current is fed to units on dry land, which are easily accessible by maintenance and repair crews, and where it can be converted to more useful flows.
The one remaining moving part, the rotor itself, can be maintained by raising it to the surface. A patent granted to the Swanturbines designers reveals that the pylon on which the rotor sits could be telescopic and raised above the waves simply by pneumatic or other means.
One of the Welsh turbine designs could generate 350kW when fitted with a rotor up to 15m in diameter. 'Tidal turbines are much slower moving than wind turbines but the sea is 800 times denser than the air,' said Masters. 'Ours will turn at about 12rpm.'
A one metre diameter prototype has been towed by Swansea University's research vessel for tests at a range of flow speeds and rotational speeds. Swanturbines is now seeking investment for the first full scale demonstrator, planned to be installed off the Swansea shore. 'It will be in the order of a small number of millions of pounds,' said Masters...cont'd