F*** it! Recovery.gov has gone live! (With a Grammar Update!)
by WorkingClassHero
Tue Feb 17, 2009 at 09:53:02 AM PST
We all know that the place-holder splash screen has been telling us that a mind-blowing website was coming to help us track where the Recovery monies were going, and show statistics (gasp!) about the results. This is a huge step in the direction of transparency, accountability and good governance:
As the centerpiece of the President’s commitment to transparency and accountability, Recovery.gov will feature information on how the Act is working, tools to help you hold the government accountable, and up-to-date data on the expenditure of funds.
But how exactly will we be able to track the results, and how does the web-site work broadly? What will be the mission of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board in allocating these funds and who exactly is on this powerful board?
COOL WEBSITEhttp://www.recovery.gov/maphttp://www.recovery.gov/?q=content/estimated-job-effectmore at: