Crazy Republicans...I actually just had this conversation with a right wing wacko neighbor of mine. We'd been talking about the pros and cons of forming a neighborhood watch (I'm against it, small town, low crime rate, regular police patrols), and somehow, we got onto the subject...well, you'll see. Mind you, I'm paraphrasing, but this is pretty much how it went. ---------- Wacko: So, you see, if we do away with all taxes for businesses, all regulations for businesses, and only tax the middle class and the poor (you know, to fund the military), then, we'll FINALLY be free of the liberal menace to the American way of life!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Well, what about government, then? We only have a military?
Wacko: Of course we'd have government. There has to be someone to tell us what to do when we're attacked.
Me: I see. So, as long as we have a military to protect us in case we're attacked...
Wacko: WHEN we're attacked!!
Me: Okay...and the military is directed by the President, and Congress does...what? What the President says, or...
Wacko: Right! Like the Constitution says!
Me: Well, actually, Congress...
Wacko: We don't need big government - we just need enough to keep things, you know, American.
Me: American?
Wacko: Sure! Who do you think creates jobs? Mexicans? The French?
Me: ...You're a Bill O'Reilly fan, aren't you? Because he think we should have, really, no government at all, the way he describes...
Wacko: That's why we're having this recession! Clinton let all of these foreigners in and they took good jobs away from real Americans!
Me: And this caused the current recession?
Wacko: That, and 9/11 did. --------- I know, it makes my head hurt, too. I was saved by my cell phone (which I had earlier been cursing for ringing), and thankfully got away from him at that. He didn't seem to hear a thing I had said anyway, other than keywords, like "America" or "Congress," so it's not like we were actually conversing...
I guess my final thought on all of this is simply that it scares me to consider the type of America some of our fellow Americans see as the REAL America...