Right now, someone on ABCNNBCBSFixedNoiseNutwork is asking about
Yankee Superstar Alex Rodriguez. Seriously, flipping through the channels and it’s one guy or gal after another telling us the sordid steroids story.
Trying to make the subject go away, I guess he thought, Rodriguez today had a press conference in which he managed to make matters worse for himself by invent—er, bringing into the story a “cousin” in the Dominican Republic as the person who introduced him to an OTC injectable. I kid you not, that's what I got out of the coverage. ESPN added fuel to the fire quoting a doubtful pitcher and manager about the guy. They also quoted a Mr. Hicks, the owner of the Texas Rangers, a team once fractionally-owned by the war criminal George Walker Bush.
What I thought I'd see more of -- what the TV should be talking about -- is the historic import of Barrack Obama signing the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Brings me to one point: America’s media has done its damndest to get people to think about sports and sports stars rather than about something important like somebody trying to do something about America’s problems.
Gee. It seemed like only yesterday when the Press Corpse worked the opposite side of the street.
Four Sports Scandals That Gave Bush CoverNow, I know that there are thousands of articles in the GOOGLE and so on about ARRA and A-Rod. Ask yourself in the coming days, what are people where you go talking about?
Related in a monolithic state propaganda organs sort of way, with all this coverage, is what most people will miss. For too many Americans and people around the world, Corporate McPravda is covering-up (or missing, take your choice) the most important story:
U.S. Intel Chief's Shocking Warning: Wall Street's Disaster Has Spawned Our Greatest Terrorist ThreatNow that I think about it, I can see why they'd want to bury that one. The warmongering traitor monkey and his cronies were so busy stealing, directing contracts to their friends through fiscal, foreign and domestic policies, they didn't notice that crashing the economy is what Osama bin Laden said would happen (
Bin Laden Used a Similar Strategy to Decimate American Capitalism as Reagan Used to Hasten End of Soviet Communism ) on account of Bush lying America into war.
I miss the free press, the one the Constitution talks about.
Thank Goodness for DU, DUers and all the Good Folk online.