Mother has Alzheimer's. We are in a clinical study, and I have had excellent advice.
Over the past three days, she has suffered a steep decline. One of the researchers told me if their was a steep decline, something else was going on. I called Son, and off to the local hospital we went.
Well, it is pneumonia. She's in the hospital, and doing better. I left this about 8 when she was all settled in with her meds and asleep. I am heading back tomorrow (she hates unfamiliar places and people, besides all the tubes are driving her crazy.)
But I got to thinking. I am going to walk out of the hospital with Mother in a couple of days and that is the end. And that will be the end. No bills, no copays, no deductibles, nicht, zilch, nada.
You see Mother has socialized medicine. Daddy (can a Southern woman of indeterminate age still call her father, "Daddy", you betcha) spent 22 years in the military. He served during Korea and in Vietnam. He was promised that if something happened to him, his dependent(s) would be taken care of.
Let's look at a couple of "socialized medicine" myths.
1. I don't want the government deciding what doctor I can see or hospital I can use.
Mother can see any doctor in the US that will give her an appointment. Any doctor, any hospital, anywhere.
2. I don't want the government deciding what medical care I can have.
Mother receives the care the doctors say she needs. Her doctors, not the insurance company doctors. No pre-certification. No calling before hand begging. She sees the doctors, they decide and BOOM...she gets the care. No delay.
She does not pay a premium based on the fact that she is 83 with Alzheimer's, a previous heart attack or the fact that we have ovarian cancer in our family. She has no pre-existing conditions...even if she does not know she has pre-existing conditions.
She just gets health care, and no bullsh*t insurance company whining.
God, I wish I had that.