Too old/busy/jaded to 'social network,' but still want to seem hip? Call now! you a Net neophyte? Very, very late bloomer? Profoundly paranoid about the totally CIA-monitored Interweb?
Do you still prefer to get your news and information from disposable printed matter made from poor ol' trees because you believe all high-tech gizmos are a total soul-sucking waste of time except maybe for your George Foreman grill and the old FM radio in the truck? Read on, friend.
Speaking of friends, do you have any? Do you have enough? How do you know? Are you sick of hearing about the "social networking" phenomenon, all those Web 2.0 companies with geeky-sounding names like Facebook and MySpace and Twitter and Tumblr and LookSpaceBookFeedPlaceWad, sites where 'friends' flock together like flies to cow eyelids and everyone's young and cute and funny and jacked-in to the cultural zeitgeist, but you have no idea what it all means or why you're supposed to care because you have, you know, a real life, yet you still have this nagging feeling that a potentially rich, exciting aspect of the culture is passing you by like an ice cream truck in summer?
Worry no longer, dear one. Salvation it at hand. ...