Just when you think California cannot get any worse with the gang of five: GOP Governor, GOP Senate Leader, GOP Assembly Leader, Democratic Senate Leader, and Democratic Assembly Leader, the GOP decides to oust their Senate leader who helped negotiate the proposed budget deal! They replaced him with another Republican who is more committed to his no-new tax pledge than the financial viability of California.
The question, of course, is given the new GOP leader's opposition to the deal worked out by the former GOP leader, will California need to start from scratch in negotiating a budget? Worse, if this new leader comes to his senses, and agrees to some tax increases, will he be ousted and replaced by another Rush Limbaugh follower?
You have to love California's 2/3 vote requirement. Perhaps the new leader will demand an enterprise zone and some additional money for his district before he signs off a new budget deal.
I wonder how the stock market will react as it absorbs this latest bit of craziness from the Nation's largest state.