I work in the high tech industry and whereas I used to see 50 or 60 job listings a day, now I see ONE. Maybe two or three.
I'm sick at the moment, and can't work for a little while, but it wouldn't really matter, because there's precious little out there. I have savings to hold me for a few more months, and I have until then to generate some money because it'll be hard after that point.
I doubt we could make money selling our house. Between the commission and the depressed market, we'd probably have to pay to sell the house. That's ironic. I made money on my last two houses, but I actually don't think I could AFFORD to sell my house.
Credit card companies are actually being NICE - can you believe it? They don't want you to declare bankruptcy or go elsewhere, so they're actually being frickin' NICE. I have NEVER seen that happen. Truth is stranger than fiction.
There's a used car dealership down the road, offering 2 for 1 cars. !!!
A Dunkin' Donuts was recently advertising some position and got 80 applicants.
I am appalled that we allowed Bush to drive this country into the dirt. Some of us objected, but most either didn't care or were afraid to speak out. I admit I was afraid to speak out initially, but got over that and became more vocal as the abuses became so blatant. Still, I'm embarrassed for my initial silence.
There are so many places here doing poorly, business-wise, and I live in a relatively "upbeat" area of America. I can't even imagine what it's like in places like, say, Detroit.
Not good, fellas.