Palin Ordered To Pay Back Taxes (warning: FR thread)This is one of those FR threads that really show what Freepers are made of:
crap! They screeched and screamed about Geithner and Daschle and their tax problems, but when Sarah stiffs the state (after charging it $18,000 so she could live in her own house, unlike other governors) it's not only perfectly all right, it was the only American thing to do!
Many of the comments are along the lines of "this is why the Rats are terrified of her". (Why do they keep saying this?) :shrug:
Here's one goofy post:
To: SeekAndFind
Watch the libs equate this to the libocrat’s sins.
Sorry MSM, won’t work. Some of us actually understand the difference between a mistake made by some with normal income vs an intentional violation made by those who were so much more “educated and experienced”.
If you want crooks, MSM, you might try looking into the Obamaloon’s Chief of Staff.
10 posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 7:19:57 PM by Da Coyote
And check out this one:
To: headstamp 2
If you all want to understand why the media continues to berate this is what I read on
A private source at a major New York daily newspaper has admitted on condition of anonymity that the paper is one of several working closely with an army of young bloggers and at least one TV network to ensure that the flow of negative publicity targeting Sarah Palin continues unabated for the next four years.
“The thinking is, We can’t afford to let her bounce back,” he said. “If she’s all shined up and ready to go in 2012, and if ordinary people have already started to rebel against the consequences of some of Barack’s more extreme economic and social policies, we’re in deep trouble. The decision has been made at the highest levels to keep Palin down, at any cost and by any means necessary.”
And as far as the taxes are concerned, OLD NEWS, she said months ago that she wanted an investigation to see if she owed anything, yeah she was the one that initiated the whole thing, unlike people surrounding the Marxist, who do everything to hide it
29 posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 7:27:21 PM by Sarah Barracuda
Yeah, like we need to organize a shadowy conspiracy to prevent Sarah's otherwise inevitable ascension to the presidency! The quote they give from their "private source" speaking under "anonymity" sounds suspiciously like a tired rehash of Freeper fantasy posts about an anti-Obama backlash, which they are
sure is coming (just like the
McCain victory and post-election rioting, which they were also
sure about!). :eyes:
You really have to read this whole thread to appreciate the depth of their hypocrisy and denial. Wow!