The lunatics on the conservative sites love to rail against MSNBC and CNN for being liberal bastions, despite the fact that they are both totally in the tank for their corporate masters, the GOP. MSNBC drops us a couple hours of fun in the evening while three hours of Republican bile is spewed every morning on Morning Joe. CNN has Wolf Blitzer and John King and a veritable cheerleading squad giving John McCain and the failed Republicans a place to whine like babies every day. But honestly...what is the point of giving Ann Coulter one more SECOND of airtime? I'm sure Mr. King will compliment her and drool over her boyish hotness (*urp* -- excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth a little), and will never simply ask "Lady, what the bloody fuck is wrong with you?" Oh well. I guess Coulter has another soon-to-be best-selling (in bulk, to GOP organizations) pamphlet, er, book (hehe) coming out. It's the only time she emerges from her cave.