Hello Rachel, Your show and The Daily Show/Colbert Report are tied for my favorite shows on TV! In addition, I think you are a BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL person, and I appreciate your courage and insight on so many subjects. I have also appreciated your recent interview with Sen. Leahy regarding his proposed Truth Commission (which I support). I acknowledge the possibility that it could end up being a meaningless whitewash like other commissions. However, I think that anything that serves to bring Truth to light, even if in an imperfect way, is good thing, especially given the heinous crimes of the previous Administration. Also in the interest of getting Truth out to the people, I would like to suggest that you facilitate a civilized and intelligent debate on 911 and the "investigations" of it that have followed. I would like to suggest that you invite Richard Gage, Stephen Jones , Naomi Wolf and/or David Ray Griffin to debate NIST's Shyam Sunder, someone from the Pentagon and maybe an ex-911 Commission member who would vigorously defend the official explanation of the events of 911. As you may know, the former four individuals are not aluminium foil hat wearing nut-jobs. On the contrary, they serious engineers/scholars who have well documented arguments that deserve to heard (especially given the fact that co-chairs have described the 911 Commission as "designed to fail"). I think you would go down in history as a HERO (even more than you already are) if you became the first person to get this debate on to the "TV machine" regardless of what the outcome turns out to be! For the record, I am one who does not accept large parts of the Government's explanation about 911, and think there are enormous problems from a physical science standpoint (three steel frame buildings fall at near freefall speed symmetrically through the highest path of resistance, and we end up will molten metal in the pile for weeks after the collapse for starters), but would be THRILLED if someone could PROVE to me that I am wrong to think that our Government was complicit in the events of 911.
(My friend, Dan)