If the Green Lantern is using an older comic book version of the ring, the ring won't work against wood. Edge Batman!
In more modern times the Green Lantern ring would work against anything except the color yellow. This was one of the dumbest weaknesses in the history of Super Hero comics! The Green Lantern would fly around the galaxy with one of the greatest weapons in the Universe (the ring) only to be stopped by something as simple as a club, simply because it was painted yellow. Huge edge to Batman!
Finally a ring was produced that did not have the yellow impurity in it. A lantern who holds this ring is one of the most powerful super heroes in the Galaxy. In some stories a Green Lantern without the weakness to the color yellow is on par with Superman and ranks among the very elite when it comes to Super Heroes.-Edge Green Lantern. Batman doesn't have a chance in this scenario. You really couldn't even match them up.

In earlier comics Superman was just as fast if not faster than the Flash.
However DC comics titrated down the strength of Superman because it was becoming to difficult to fit him into stories.
In the comic book universe it is generally regarded that Flash is faster and would defeat Superman in a race. (although Superman is still very fast)
Flash is the only known life form in the universe that can travel at the speed of light or faster. Flash is capable of reaching what is called the speed force. (yes that's really, really fast)
Flash is so fast that he often has difficulty living in normal day to day life. This is because the entire World works in slow motion to him. Without an incredible element of surprise, it's nearly impossible to hit him with anything. (bullets, Laser, electronic pulses, etc.)
The physics involved to travel at such speeds make Flash one of the most powerful Super Heroes ever. I would have to check but I believe Wizards Magazine has Flash among their top 10 most powerful Super Heroes of all time. The NFL saying holds true... speed kills!