state senate!
my alleged representative.
We were at our weekly peace vigil in Old Town Murrieta one day, across from the old post office, and he came out of it. My pal yelled, "Hey, Dennis, you represent us, too. Come talk to us." He shook his head, and bolted to his car, after talking to the pro-Iraq-war people right beside the post office. He apparently told them that we were just a minority, or something like that.
Hollingsworth, you are a
terrible representative!
P.S.: For the record, there are some of us that voted against Prop. 13 (I was around 19), and fought like Heck against Ahhhhrnold being elected; it was all in vein, thanks to the idiots in the state.
I quote from the
Los Angeles TimesThe day had begun with Dennis Hollingsworth of Murrieta elected the new Republican leader in the state Senate, shortly after a midnight coup unseated Dave Cogdill of Modesto. Hollingsworth promptly insisted that three months of budget talks begin anew and lawmakers abandon the sales, income and gas tax hikes that are part of the fiscal package Cogdill helped negotiate.
Earlier in the day, Hollingsworth wasted no time trying to capitalize on his new position. A flier for a $1,000-per-person fundraiser for Hollingsworth scheduled for Wednesday night declared, "You are cordially invited to a reception in support of the new Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth.",0,3423876.story