I admit it - I have Conservative friends. I can't help it; it's the damn Liberal "acceptance" thing! Well, one of them sent me an article by Doug Patton telling me how much he agreed with it and how he couldn't understand why I
didn't. Maybe this will help clear it up for him...
http://www.humanevents.com/search.php?author_name=Doug+Patton">Doug Patton
(AXcess News) Omaha - Remember how liberals told us that America would be respected again, by friend and foe alike, once Barack Obama and his Democrat allies in Congress were in charge of everything? Well, welcome to the real world, where friend and foe alike are either laughing at us, aghast at our stupidity or making plans to kill us.
No, the laughter you hear are the echoes trailing after the Bush administration. Thanks to him
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/98525_poll05.shtml">pissing away the goodwill
of the world after 9/11, the U.S. is at it's lowest popularity in history. Just in Europe, Pew Research found the following:
The world was aghast at our stupidity when Bush was re-elected in '04 - so much so that
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4124164.stm">CHINA was more popular than WE were in 2005! There was a sigh of relief last November and THAT is the "real world" - not some neo-con fantasy land. Some of that laughter is, certainly, directed at asshats who are acting like it's 3 years into Obama's presidency instead of one month. What else can we expect from people who believed the Iraq war would be
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/11/15/world/main529569.shtml">"Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that"Take, for starters, President Obama's incredibly naive decisions with regard to the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, where we have been detaining terrorists and others captured on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. One of his first acts as president was to order the suspension of all military tribunals at GITMO. This decision came on the eve of the trial of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000. As a result of Obama's decree, charges against this terrorist have been dropped.
Disinformation, much? The charges were
http://middleeast.about.com/b/2009/02/06/behind-the-dropped-charges-against-uss-cole-bomber-al-nashiri.htm">dropped because he was tortured and none of the prosecution's testimony was admissible. The charges
can be reinstated when they build a case not based on coerced "confessions."
I am a little shocked that this writer admits and acknowledges that there were (and are) "others" held at Guantanamo not being held for "terrorism." Now, if he could just get over the hump and acknowledge that Guantanamo is an illegal facility built on
http://www.newsweek.com/id/184801">lies and bad legal findings, he could take a step back towards reality. That's not a "Liberal" finding, it was Bush's Department of Justice and the head of the War Tribunal talking.
Additionally, in order to fulfill one of his campaign promises to his far-left kook base, Obama has ordered that GITMO itself be closed within a year, which leaves us with the thorny problem of what to do with those imprisoned there. The president and his supporters wring their hands over the possibility that these thugs might be subjected to uncomfortable treatment they like to call "torture," and yet if they are sent back to their country of origin, they will likely be released, whereupon they will recommence their war against the United States. If we bring them to our own shores, you can bet dollars to donuts the ACLU will demand they be assigned public defenders and protected by the U.S. Constitution.
The problem is NOT "thorny." What needs to be done is what should have been done in the FIRST place - bring them here, charge them, have a trial. It ain't rocket science. It's what
http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/06/12/boumediene/">Constitutional scholars have been saying all along. Why are people like Patton afraid of the Constitution? Why the panic at the rule of law and us living up to our legal obligations instead of trying to figure a work-around? Can they point to even ONE example of a terrorist who has gone though our justice system being set free? Other than Scooter Libby, I mean...
I invite the Patton over for a couple of days - but it might be "uncomfortable" because I'm going to force a hose down his throat while playing loud music, shining bright lights in his eyes, and attach a lamp cord to his testicles - but I won't
torture him...
Of course, one of the biggest sources of entertainment for our enemies has to be our wide open southern border, through which they send their minions to do us harm. Perhaps not this week; perhaps not next year; but sooner or later they will attack us, and when they do, everyone from George W. Bush to John McCain to Barack Obama who insisted on keeping that border open will have blood on his hands. Remember, our enemies are patient people. They waited eight-and-one-half years between the first and second attacks on the World Trade Center. They are patient, and they are laughing.
There's that "our enemies" toss away again. Please tell me - specifically -
Who Are These Enemies? Are they the same people who have been laughing at the incompetence of the Bush waste of lives, prestige, and treasure accomplishing far more toward the aims of "our enemies" than they themselves could EVER have accomplished? I think the author is mistaking the laughter at these tired, worn out platitudes meant to keep a level of fear in the uninformed masses 1000 times greater then the situation calls for something else. The only ones being laughed at are the people who keep pushing this tripe. With a little bit of anti-Mexican prejudice thrown in to keep the racists happy. Maybe he is unaware that the stimulus bill includes
http://www.kold.com/Global/story.asp?S=9857130&nav=menu86_2">$200 Million for their precious "fence."
Another source of amusement for the entire world must be our refusal to tap into our own natural resources to supply much-needed energy. Instead, we have allowed environmental crazies to hold us hostage their "green" agenda. Now those crazies are running our government, and while they fiddle with "alternate" sources of energy - most of which don't work or are not practical - they would rather continue to give billions of dollars to oil-producing nations around the world who hate us than to utilize our own resources.
"Crazies?" Pot, calling Kettle! I'm glad this moron is amused easily, it makes shopping for "shiny things" that much easier. Does Patton understand that the Bush years "war on science" and his ties to the oil industry prevented research into making alternative resources practical and workable? Of course not. He would rather have us return to the early 20th century and pretend that the same oil reserves exist today as did then. Maybe he should look up the definition of "
Finally, consider a recent comment by Lueo Ping of the Chinese Regulatory Commission, concerning the imaginary money America will have to print in order to fund our recent "stimulus" bill and other proposed spending: "We hate you guys," Ping said. "Once you start issuing $1 trillion to $2 trillion, we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys, but there is nothing much we can do." When the most repressive, controlling communist government in the world criticizes the stupidity of your policies, you know you are in uncharted monetary territory.
Idiot. Moron. Dunderhead. What is that paragraph supposed to MEAN? When one
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ba857be6-f88f-11dd-aae8-000077b07658.html?nclick_check=1">reads the article that quote was taken from, you get the humor being conveyed. Patton has taken a gentle chiding and turned it into some sort of angry rant. OF COURSE we are in "uncharted monetary territory" - thanks to Conservative fiscal policy! There is no road map for the situation we are in. Is Patton suggesting that it would be better to go through another Great Depression in order to prove a point? To let the "Free Market" run it's course so that 99% of the country gets wiped out financially so that the top 1% can eat their
http://blogs.wsj.com/wealth/2009/01/16/why-the-rich-like-to-eat-gold/">gold-flaked ice cream? Stupid, stupid, stupid. The typical whine of "What about ME??" we hear from Conservatives. As Rush proclaims, they would rather see the stimulus fail for political gain than to see the country pull out of this slide before it's too late.
It is said that the two things no one wants to witness being made are sausages and laws. In the case of the massive spending by Congress, think of it as sausage being created by children, without adult supervision, oversight, or FDA or USDA inspections. Imagine "Lord of the Flies" set inside a sausage factory, with malicious kids throwing everything they can find into the mix, from rotten, maggot-infested pork and rat droppings to the sweepings off the floor, and then serving it to a restaurant full of people and telling them it is the best breakfast in the world.
Patton unknowingly sums up the Bush years in a very fitting analogy complete with lack of oversight. That pretty much sums up the Bush wars, the PATRIOT Act, the illegal warrantless wiretapping program, and the propaganda campaigns used to sell it to an unwitting populace.
Now you have a pretty good image of what is happening in Washington. It is a case of congressional vandalism. And this is just the beginning. The specter of it is spellbinding, like a bloody train wreck. We want to avert our gaze but can't. It is just too exquisitely awful. And so is the laughter of our sworn enemies.
And now we have reached the end of the article with absolutely NO clarity being offered as to Patton's assertion that he knows the reason "Why our enemies are laughing at us." Blah, blah, blah. If I was his editor, I'd ask for a refund of his paycheck. Twit.
Medford Tim, ranter-at-large