every news cycle talking about the positives in the President's proposed mortgage package, all that air time is being taken up by the sideshow--despicable as it is--of the racist cartoon in the New York post.
Don't get me wrong, that cartoon--as David Gergen said last night--is dripping with racism. It should be and is being denounced. But it should be a full and quick denunciation and then get back on point.
But notice what has happened
. The democrats are using the vast majority of their time on camera (some of it obviously prompted by the MSM) denouncing the cartoon. On the republican side, they give a sentence or two saying "we don't think it was racially motivated" and then they get back on their message DENOUNCING the mortgage plan. And now they are playing the divide and conquer card--that is they keep pushing the idea that regular folks who played by the rules and were responsible are getting screwed in this plan, which gives money to less responsible people at the taxpayers expense.
Get back on message people. Will we never learn?