Edited on Thu Feb-19-09 05:42 PM by Mike 03
"those artists."
This was my response. It could have been more tactful, I suppose:
Hi ---, Firstly, I couldn't agree with you more that the extremely dire coverage of the financial crisis is upsetting (that's an understatement) and surely it is not making the situation better. I'm also very pissed at some of my own senators and congresspeople for their ignorance and hysteria during these very important Congressional and Senate Finance and Banking committee hearings, where it is so obvious they don't understand Economics. It's disgraceful that these crucial committees are made up of dunces. They are scapegoating all the wrong people. They are tossing the spotlight on the dust mites instead of the black widows. That comment you made about the money that is designated to go to artists--I have to remind you that artists work too for a living. My training was is cinema, --. My education cost nearly a hundred thousand dollars, which was paid for by my amazing parents and myself. You don't want any money to go to artists, even though cinema is one of our only respected and profitable exports nowadays? Do you know what would happen to your home town of Los Angeles if the film industry were to collapse tomorrow? It's much harder to find employment in the arts than any other field right now, so bless the bill for this designation. It's also a pittance compared to what everybody else is getting, so I wouldn't get my panties in a wad over artists getting fifty million or whatever they are getting. It's bird crumbs. You of all people should know this (grin), you are living in a city whose major source of revenue is film. Cinema is also one of only respectable exports right now, since we stopped inventing new things to export and now mostly just import toys and junk from Asia. I'd hate to see us lose the film industry too. The stimulus package will create jobs. It won't create as many as it would have if the Republicans hadn't taken a machete to it, but as you must know it entails an enormous amount of infrastructure repair and replacement, as well as inducements for companies to engage in brand new Research and Development to find ways to clean up the techniques of processing coal and extracting oil from tar sands, etc... There's no doubt that it will do this. But it also has to stimulate the economy quickly, and infrastructure alone won't do that. So the stimulus package also has to do something called "quantitative easing," which is a cute euphemism for massive injection of cheap liquidity into the economy. Money has to get flowing again. There has to be enough money that banks stop worrying whether or not they can safely lend. This is a two prong strategy: Stimulate the economy on the retail/middle class side, plus (TARP) stabilize the balance sheets of the banks by eliminating toxic assets and capital injection. But it has to be huge. Japan's stimulus package was larger than ours, and they have half our population, and it looks like it will fail miserably. The following items were in the original package. I don't know if they've been eliminated or not: Health information technology University research facilities Energy R&D Biomedical research Science Wireless/Broadband Federal building efficiency Renewable energy Advanced batteries Renewable energy tax incentives and loans Intercity Rail Border Crossing and security issues Environmental cleanup Water resources (Hugely important) Clean Water Highway repair It just goes on and on. I'm too tired to type them all. This is not "pork", this is prime fucking rib. We need it, and more than anything it has to be huge enough that not only Americans believe it but the entire world believes it, because the entire world invests in the United States, and we need their investments right now to stay afloat. Otherwise, even the "safety" of our Treasuries might turn to shit, and the dollar will be something we will wipe our butts with instead of spend.
Eh, let me at least finish with that list: Here are some more items that were "high budget" items in the Obama plan that some people think is pork: Job Training Medicaid Housing Crisis (originally budgeted at $34 billion, apparently increased or moved to its own program, separate from the stimulus) Alleviation of hunger in the U.S. Cobra health care for unemployed Unemployment benefits Improve schools Fiscal relief for states that are up shit creek, like mine and yours and Florida
Do you think this is pork? I know you are worried about health insurance? What do you think about all of these allocations to health insurance and things like Cobra? Is that pork? There are so many things I've leaving out, like Transit improvements Airport maintenance and improvement Preservation of public lakes and parks Rebates to people who weatherize their homes I guess a lot of Americans don't think about these other sectors, or they don't think of the people who practice medicine or airport maintenance as having real jobs, or something like that. It's hard to get inside their heads. They appreciate a good freeway when they are driving on it, but they don't have the brains to think that somebody had to design and build the freeway. I don't regard these issues as pork at all. We need to be inventing things again and not just gorging ourselves on junk from China. We have lost our competitive edge in the world because for the past eight years we have been discouraged from inventing anything worthwhile. Consumption has destroyed us.
(and then some non-pertinent chatter)
Pork. It ain't pork.