Edited on Thu Feb-19-09 06:55 PM by Mike 03
managers on Wall Street or just downturns in this economy?
The absolute glee here when rich people are damaged amazes me. I doubt we would even have the president we now have had it not been for those people who are so routinely derided here. That was the money that subsidized food banks, shelters for the homeless, medical clinics for people who have no money or health insurance.
Every now and then I have to shake my head here at some of the things I read. It does none of us any good if banks go bust or wealth is destroyed. Wishing for these things to happen seems to me to be really bad karma. Who do you think cares enough (i.e., to be blunt, even gives a shit) to give money to worthy organizations that feed people or fight disease? You think it's guys like Mitch McConnell, Jon Kyle or John McCain? Sure thing. It's our party, the Democrats. We give even when it hurts.
Wishing for our money to dry up is absolute foolishness. Even looking at it logically, since Republicans probably have more money than most of us do, when money shrinks, ours shrinks more than theirs. That is called basic calculus.