We have seen enough innocent comments ruin careers, and this result only runs in one direction. You would have to drag me over hot coals to get me to comment on any sort of race relations.
Generalizations only get to run one way. If an individual from a particular group does an action, it is a indictment of all individuals in that group. If a member of a different group does an action, then it is only a reflection on that individual, and, in many cases, mitigating factors are attributed for that person because they belong to that particular group.
As for me and mine we are keeping our heads down and trying to do the best for our families. I personally don't self select my relationships by race, but my interest is finding families that are in the same age and stage that I am in. I want my kids hanging with other kids who take their studies seriously and have parents who are engaged in their lives.
It was the same for me in school. My friends had one thing in common - they took their studies seriously and wanted to advance their lives.