Why limit "Green Initiatives" to only Renewable Products ??
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Fri Feb-20-09 09:28 AM
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Why limit "Green Initiatives" to only Renewable Products ?? |
Why limit "Green Initiatives" to only Renewable Products ??
This is the major criticism I have of Obama's Green proposals, and a major flaw in RATpublicon economic policies.
Obama’s Green Technology policies only cover NEW technologies and products which effective eliminates existing technologies and products. Should not the term GREEN apply to any new innovation that reduces or eliminates Green House Gases or pollution in general?
Why not dedicate funding to colleges to develop New processes of Iron smelting that does not emit tons of carbon into the atmosphere ?
Why not give Tax incentives for existing Companies to employ New Green Tech into existing processes and technologies?
Pollution Standards is a contributing factor in the off shoring of America’s Heavy Industries and the destruction of 100s of 1000s of good paying Blue Collar Jobs. It is time to encompass these industries into the bigger picture and STOP thinking like a RATpubliCON and leave them no alternative other then to shut down and move overseas
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