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For eagerly taking stimulus money after denouncing it, Lindsey Graham is the GOP Hypocrite of the

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babsbunny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-20-09 05:21 PM
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For eagerly taking stimulus money after denouncing it, Lindsey Graham is the GOP Hypocrite of the

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Welcome back to the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week.

Talk about foreclosing on a bakery and then demanding a free cake. That's what most Republicans who voted against the "Main Street Job Creation Act" -- denouncing it as just short of Satanic -- are doing for the most part. They are now crowing about what all that "wasted" money will do to benefit their home states or districts.

Take Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. The Neo-Confederate U.S. Senator is wasting no time in boasting about bringing home the bacon when just a few short days ago, he was denouncing a jobs creation bill as pork.

As observes:
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PetrusMonsFormicarum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-20-09 05:31 PM
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1. Graham makes me sick
just to look at him. Mush-mouthed, drooling, shitty taste in ties, the guy is a nothing but an unwashed pube. Hypocrisy is not new to him: during a press conference after visiting Iraq with McLame, Graham effused about how he'd bought five Persian rugs for five bucks. This is the assclown that essentially destroyed South Carolina's textile industry. What a shithead.
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