Lousy job, low pay
In a tight labor market, even less desirable job postings solicit thousands of responses.
By Jessica Dickler, staff writer
Last Updated: February 20, 2009: 4:04 PM ET
NEW YORK ( -- Desperate for a job and willing to take almost anything with a paycheck? Take a number.
Between the increase in overall job seekers and the reduction in the number of jobs available, competition for even the least desirable jobs has become much steeper.
Those doing the hiring are having a tougher time weeding through all the resumes to find qualified applicants.
For example, when IT Manager Mark Callahan was looking to fill an entry level position at his company, he received over 100 resumes overnight - 90% of which were unqualified for the job.
Emily Smith, 31, could have been one of those applicants. She is really an administrator by trade, but out of work and desperate, Smith says she has applied to hundreds of positions across various industries, including a housekeeping supervisor, nursing assistant, gas station attendant and "so many babysitting jobs it's not funny," she said.
Still no bites. "I have asked several potential employers how many resumes they have received and the answers range from 200 to over 3,000," she said. "How do I stand out in a list of over three thousand people when the job market is impersonal and the field is flooded with applicants?" she asked.