ho ho, another cateogory to remember!
http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20070326/sc_livescience/raresemiidenticaltwinsdiscovered;_ylt=AtAs6S.wgneH5arK3mVYRUxxieAARare Semi-Identical Twins Discovered
LiveScience Staff
LiveScience.com Mon Mar 26, 10:01 AM ET
Twins can be identical, fraternal and apparently semi-identical, scientists now report.
Researchers discovered twins who are identical on their mom's side of the equation but share only half their genes from dad.
Here's how it happened: Two sperm cells fertilized one egg—an event assumed to be very rare—then split into two embryos.
"Their similarity is somewhere between identical and fraternal twins," said geneticist Vivienne Souter, of the Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona. "It makes me wonder whether the current classification of twins is an oversimplification."