We're what, like a month in?
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2190050/postsSo many comments deleted too
In order to possess long-term dictatorial powers, Obama must recreate America as a Marxist culture and economy protected by both a limitless intelligence agency and a paramilitary police force. Once these goals are achieved, the traditional military will be preserved to support similar revolutions overseas, and to defend against foreign threats. (Subduing you is his first goal, but not his ultimate one. His brain his already 150 chess moves past the end of the upcoming American civil war. You are but stepping stones. In his mind, he’s already buried you.) Audacious? Yes. The epitome of change? Yes.
1 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 11:49:17 AM by Islander7
If it comes to civil war, so be it!.....I will never live in a socialist America!....NEVER!!!
5 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 11:54:21 AM by AngelesCrestHighway
To: 2banana
“Where can we join up to shoot liberals?”....
Just ask your neighbor who he voted for......
12 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 11:58:31 AM by AngelesCrestHighway
"The United States of America was created by the people ... who rose up against their standing oppressive government, and shot the bastards."
13 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 11:59:09 AM by G.Mason
To: Islander7
zero is no Lincoln. The liberal states (the true red states) are not the industrialized north and the conservative states are not the south lacking in resources, population and industry.
I say let's get it on - sooner rather than later. Let's see the big, bad, scary gay, liberal, afraid of taking a single casualty, lacking discipline, pot smoking army come to Texas and suppress us. And in this civil war, the conservatives will be on the side of Liberty, the liberals on the side Karl Marx.
14 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 11:59:29 AM by rigelkentaurus
one problem with an otherwise solid theory;
The Proud and Extremely Ethical United States Military WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN,Why, you ask, because no officer is duty bound to follow an illegal or immoral order. If Obieonesocialist tries that he will be clapped in irons so fast his SocCommie head will spin.
My observation is based on serving in the U.S. military and long association with many, many officers.
16 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:00:53 PM by ScareyFast63
On 1/27/2009 Obama signed an exective order to bring 200-250 thousand people in from the GAZA strip all paid for by us.
Is this the beginning of his national police force?
17 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:01:55 PM by stockpirate (A people unwilling to use violent force to preserve liberty deserve the tyrants that rule them. SP-0)
If we the people must defend our country against this disaster in the making when no politician will help then I cannot stand by and watch it all go to hell!
18 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:02:43 PM by AngelesCrestHighway
To: rigelkentaurus; All
How does Allied States of America sound??
26 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:08:54 PM by KevinDavis (No one should question our "Dear Leader"!)
"The United States of America was created by the people ... who rose up against their standing oppressive government, and shot the bastards."
That time has come again ...
31 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:16:31 PM by clamper1797 (FUBO ... The Kenyan Lincoln)
He’s not a legal President but rather a foreign enemy agent IMO
38 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:18:56 PM by clamper1797 (FUBO ... The Kenyan Lincoln)
250,000 Hamas terrorists would make for good ‘warm up’ practice for the People’s Militia, but I think, as you do, that they are intended to be Obama’s organizers for the 6-10 million muzzies already here.
43 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:22:36 PM by Nathan Zachary
You are absolutely right. Where would 0bama get soldiers to enforce his fiats? I have to believe that the vast majority of the armed forces would never turn on their fellow Americans. If all 0bama can round up for his secret police are ACORN community organizers, that fight would last less than 5 minutes.
50 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:26:09 PM by Lou Budvis ( 'Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson are rolling in their graves.')
From the FR home page:
Free Republic does not advocate or condone racism, violence, rebellion, secession, or an overthrow of the government.
53 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:27:52 PM by Admin Moderator
To: Sherman Logan
I don’t know, that’s what I had heard somewhere.
58 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:32:18 PM by Nathan Zachary
cities would have their water cut off, food cut off, power cut off, and city dwellers are not familiar with the country-side and fire arms so they will not fare well when venturing out. The vast majority of the military will not be on their side - I would guess they might have 35% willing.
The RATS would be reduced to eating rats in short order, like sieges of old.
The goal for us would be to be left alone and kick the liberals out. We do not want to win and then be forced to continue dealing with these people. I want to "vote them out of the country". Good riddance.
59 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:34:19 PM by rigelkentaurus
If someone could hack/shut-down his Blackberry, he'd be like a marionette with no strings.
71 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:44:41 PM by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
Folks, here are comments from a very good friend with insight. Ahhhh, but consider the states that are currently providing the bulk of the troops to Federal Authority – they are the very states that provide most of the cannon fodder. People aren’t so easily led around by their noses anymore in this age of instant communication. The South, you will recall, was isolated, almost totally agrarian, lacked infrastructure, and was broke from day one. Loyalties will not break along the Mason Dixon Line, not even close. There won’t be a single consolidated region in revolt. There will pockets and bubbles and territories. States will split up in terms of loyalties. Look at southern Missouri and southern Illinois. Look at northern California and northern Louisiana. This is potentially a battle of red vs. blue, rural vs. urban. If it becomes a war, it can’t be a war of fronts and armies in maneuver. There could be an inter-military fight between those still loyal to the current power structure vs. those like us. We would win out on that one from force of numbers. After all, where would the bulk of loyalty of armed civilians lie? Yes, with the cause of overthrow of tyranny. Therfore, I see it as more of a coup. The people of St. Louis aren’t going to march on Potosi, MO to conquer hinterland territory for BO.
The biggest difference between this current crisis and the so-called Civil War (actually it should be called our Second Revolutionary War) is WILL! There is no overbearing will on the part of troops of the Federal Authority to fight their families in the hinterlands. It would be time to try a Ghandi-type move. March out there unarmed before them. They will NOT shoot! They took their oaths of loyalty to the Constitution and the officer corp will see BO for what he is.
The most likely scenario if things worsen is a military coup, a rule by martial law for a while, and a leader who wants to restore Constitutional law and will eventually step down or stand for election, not unlike George Washington. He will be the second Father of our Country. The bulk of the upper echelon officer corps are men of honor, not power grabbers – those are the politicians.
78 posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 12:55:46 PM by Neoliberalnot ((Freedom's Precious Metals: Gold, Silver and Lead))
OMG, so much more!!!