I saw this comment on a youtube video this morning, followed by a condescending "you are so far behind" because some other commenter said Bush's idea of trickle down economics doesn't work.
Ok, it's fair enough that Reagan was the first Republican president to implement supply-side economics as policy and note that it would "trickle down." However, it's become a cemented Republican ideology ever since. George W. Bush was even more ideological about it than Reagan. In fact, I dare a Republican to run for office in this country and not be a proponent of supply-side economics, especially on a national level. It wasn't just Reagan's policy it's Bush's and every other Republican's too.
But besides that....
Supply-side economics is not monetary policy. Monetary policy deals with isues like the supply of money, interest rate etc. Supply-side economics is an economic theory that says we should give tax cuts to businesses and other wealthy individuals and this will then create a broad benefit for the rest of society.
See this is what I hate, people who do not grasp the simplest of concepts somehow think they know it all and condescend to everybody else. It doesn't matter if they have no clue what they are talking about they just do it anyway. Some people are not wired to understand anything. Nor do they care either.