"The GOP is all but dead."
How I wish that were true. But Great Depressions are a great time for tyrants, and the Bushpublicans are no different than the Nazis they modeled their propaganda and media control programs after. (see also the Afrikaener Broderbund and how they kicked out the "Liberal British" in the 1940s)
I just want to let you know that I understand your elation, but would caution you from one who has been watching this whole thing unfold for 30+ years.
I am not advocating violence. As we saw with the Knoxville Shooter, the violent crazies, now 30,000,000 strong in their agreement with the Knoxville Shooter's political philosophy, only differing in that they have not killed in defense of those beliefs rest on the Bushpublican side.
But you must understand what we face. Knowing will give you a significant advantage over those who are clueless.
The Bushies, through repetetive propaganda and Democratic Serial Capitulations (you can't have a Hitler without German Social Democrats to let him bully them), have engineered a massive Battering Ram of Will, a coiled spring of emotion and craziness masqerading as Uber-Partriotism, that is being wound ever tighter.
Now that you know what you are looking for, observe the seemingly disoriented, "beaten" Bushies continue to control the National Dialogue.
When the Bushies pick up, it will be like they never left off.
I am not advocating giving up or anything like that. But it is imperative to understand what is on the other side.
In nearly every category other than violence and OVERT racism, the Bushies are identical to:
Think I am exaggerating? Click on the BBC radio link, and please listen and then read "The Authoritarians".