We talk about the problems in America in abstract terms. I'd like to suggest that you read this article in its entirety about a young family in Denver that is losing their home because of the subprime loan crisis. But I suggest they are also losing their home because we have a country controlled by political parties that aren't concerned about working Americans.....but instead they are concerned about others from Mexico or big moneyed interests.
This couple who works in the landscaping business in Denver has had their income diminished by factors such as illegal immigration, that many Democrats for some reason see as a compassion issue. Except these Democrats forget about having compassion for working Americans. We have average Americans that have been manipulated into overpriced mortgages by the policies that go back to big New York money people that base their existence on making another buck off a new deal.
This is the real world, not a hypothetical world of politicians such as Ted Kennedy and Hillary and others who claim we need more cheap labor while supporting big moneyed interests. They need to get into the real world of the declining middle class and understand the real American problems, instead of just their politics. We need solutions that looks after Americans.
Frankly after reading this I'm disgusted. I dare you to take the time to read this.
Hit from behind
For a few months, anyway, the Snearys kept pace with the costs. But as 2004 ended, Tim’s employer — who had already laid him off and called him back — sent him home for good.
With little saved, the family immediately fell behind.
By now, their loan had been sold. The new loan servicer, Homecomings Financial, told them they’d need to catch up and set up a payment plan. The Snearys’ monthly bill jumped to $1,920.
After three months, Tim found a new job for two-thirds of his previous pay. A tax refund helped. But the larger payments “had us strapped so tight it wasn’t even funny,” he says.
So Angela took on more hours.
In July 2005, she pointed her Saturn into Denver’s morning rush. Trying to merge into traffic on I-25, the car was slammed from behind and spun into the concrete divider.
Doctors said Angela would be OK. But disabling headaches kept her from working for weeks. The couple fell further behind.
The lender set up a new payment plan. Monthly costs jumped to $2,100.
If the Snearys could make it through 2006, maybe they could refinance and dig out.
Now, though, there was another problem.