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Calif. GOP Tries To Re-Energize Its Ranks- Appologize to Gray Davis for its role in recall?

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Kadie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-09 07:30 PM
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Calif. GOP Tries To Re-Energize Its Ranks- Appologize to Gray Davis for its role in recall?
Calif. GOP Tries To Re-Energize Its Ranks

POSTED: 3:26 pm PST February 21, 2009
UPDATED: 3:37 pm PST February 21, 2009

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Losing ground among voters, the California Republican Party is trying to re-energize its ranks by spreading a simple message: We'll protect your wallet.

Whether the no-tax mantra will be enough to reinvigorate a party on the political ropes is unclear. But it was the theme of the day Saturday at a downtown Sacramento hotel during the party's twice-annual gathering.

One faction of party conservatives was trying to censure the six legislative Republicans who voted for the compromise budget plan that passed the Legislature and was signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger this week.

Another activist was planning to lampoon Schwarzenegger by introducing a resolution that would have the party apologize to former Democratic Gov. Gray Davis for its role in his 2003 recall. His point: The Republican governor hasn't turned out much differently than his predecessor.


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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-09 07:33 PM
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1. fuck them, he has been different and it's how we ended up in this mess
Gray Davis was the one who actually called out the energy companies and this was probably one of the reasons for the recall. he was calling them out himself. they put the blame on him.

and then there were the green party and idiot Democrats who never stopped bashing Davis. fuck them too. if they are one of those who are suffering under this shitty governor then it's hard to feel bad for them.

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scytherius Donating Member (576 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-09 07:36 PM
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2. You're kidding? All I know here in CA is that
every single soul I talk to blames the GOP for the budget mess. Even the republicans here (granted not as conservative as the rest of the country) say they can't wait to vote them out the next election. They HATE ideologues here.
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TheCowsCameHome Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-09 08:51 PM
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3. Dig up Reagan and run him again. At least he's dead and can't screw CA again
That's one good thing I can say about him.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 02:46 AM
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4. "Conservatives"? When is our language going to catch up with what Pukes
really are--that is, radical fascists? There is nothing conservative about them. They have all rabidly supported deregulation, looting of the savings and loan institutions and now the banks, tax cuts for the rich, profligate spending on unnecessary heinous war, destruction of the environment, shredding of the Constitution, outsourcing of jobs and our manufacturing capability to foreign countries, rule by the rich and the corporate, and all the rest of the Reagan/Bushwhack agenda.

A conservative conserves! What have they conserved? Nothing. They are actually worse than radical fascists. They are gangsters.
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Liberal_in_LA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 10:16 AM
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5. Based on Schwarzeneggers run up of the deficit, Gray Davis was treated unfairly during
the recall. I still remember rightwing radio fools John Kobylt and Ken Champeau hounding Davis out of office. Years later the deadly duo are still using their radio platform to screw up california.
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