And what really troubles me is this was a very pressing issue by many of the citizens and the main campaign issue for the Dems in 2006 was the get out of Iraq.
I will add and I know may here will not agree but there was also this talk about get Obama in and then if he does not do what we want we will then hold his feet to the fire. This did not work with Pelosi or Reid and it won't work with Obama.
I look at it this way. Through my life which began with Ike , but let me forward to Kennedy. We hold these presidents and their families as some sort of idol figure and due to some american mindset hold them up as idols and of star quality which I feel through experience is a huge mistake because to do so we make them bigger than life and their family and children more important that any other child or person when in fact this attitude is a man made human god of sorts. Lets all bow and sit in awe.
I felt enough is enough when this Obama campaign took off with visits to Germany and these grand speeches and enormous expense with grand areas in two places just for the acceptance speech adorned with pillars and tele screens and bands.
I don't care what color skin the president has this is not the point nor is making history at this time really that important unless it is made important as it was. I understand the idea of the first African american as president and that part of the issue which is fine.
BUt I feel if we really are looking for change then we need to tone this back and get rid if the idea that the present life and times of a president should be the focal point.
Any president makes the choice to run but the promote the life and times and massive photo shoots is just the same as the media american idol ideology.
He has a job to do and this is to turn this country back to a workable society for all and the idol part needs to be stripped away , we have done this long enough.
people are losing everything in this broken economy and their children are no less important or relevant than the presidents.
We have this idea of a king and queen , the rulers and the privileged when in fact they work for the people and it's their job they took on to work for the people. I could care less about his private life anymore than I cared for Bush Jr's.
The entire DC bubble is of privilege, these people have nothing to lose now.
Banks folding and they get billions to bail them out for their crimes and the bush admin gets away with their crimes that got us here and in another 4 or 8 years we will have another shift and another idol and first family. Wall street gets bailed out and yet so far nothing is done to stop this madness. It as if we are tossed the bone of faith and hope just to by time and stave off public panic.
After all is said and done we still are in wars and still have the same generals and now it's Afghanistan once again in the spotlight. More death and murder yet the people making these decisions are still against what the people want and we are going to hold feet to the fire when the feet are as a president almost god like no matter what president we refer too.
I don't worship any president or his family he is there to do a job elected and paid for.
So if we allow this last admin off the hook then we are lost as a country and fools to allow it.
I realize Obama has only been in office for a short time but it has been made very clear they are looking toward the future and this tells me to hell with the past when the past is at the very root of where we are right now.
It's not the smile or the fancy suit or the family that makes a leader it is one who holds all accountable to the laws past and present. And if not he has no business being in that position. To take the oath does not mean ignore the past.
When the public is put in and is still in a state of fear whether financially or because of some said terrorist threat where is the difference?
IN short , we don't need an idol we need a leader with all the citizens in mind all across the board and if not we have failed once again.
As americans we are taught to idolize and not to be the driving force, like fucking moronic sheep this is why we don't stand together and revolt.