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Hey Prez, Government, Media, Corporations, Citizens, Et Al...HERE'S A NOVEL IDEA

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 04:12 PM
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Hey Prez, Government, Media, Corporations, Citizens, Et Al...HERE'S A NOVEL IDEA

Why don't we change EVERYTHING by simply telling the truth?!!! Okay, perhaps not so simple, but what alternative do we really have?

At the risk of sounding like a script for a Jim Carrey film, I'll press on a bit further.

Living in an environment where Truth (and self honesty) has become the enemy has and will continue to implode into darkness, fear, cynicism, and mistrust which acts like an acid bath on the fiber of our collective. It's crippling us like a dark family secret.

Whether it's a personal lie or a collective one - like who we are as a nation (the good, the bad, the ugly AND the beautiful) - or the lies about specific events, or the lies about the current state of affairs such as the economy, and on and on, it is not the TRUTH which we need to fear but the hollow and corrosive core that resides at our center when we lose our bearings and connection to Reality. We all have a hand in maintaining the lies, propping up the illusions that prevent us from REAL relationship to one another, to life and the natural tides of change.

We've experienced this suppression of truth within our own families, perhaps out of shame or fear of punishment or the responsibility to change that comes with shining a light on our shadow.

Yet despite our issues or differences, we can all gather around truth. And perhaps one of the main truths is that we are ALL connected and how we perceive and feel about the world and each other is how our collective reality manifests.

The truth has a certain ring we all recognize, like a liberty bell that resonates within us and frees us from the inner prisons we create. We just feel different when we're honest and others are honest in return, and that feeling which we seem so willing to cast aside relative to the demands of the moment, is in fact a very POWERFUL form of currency, something that can move hearts, bring an inner sense of well being and move mountains of change. Isn't that something we all value and say we want and need?

It's the only ground upon which we can begin real change and real dialogue. The lie only leads to confusion, anger, mistrust, and the continued propping up of illusions. How else could we wind up with an economy, for instance, which is a house of cards? What a potent symbol for our current state of being. And while there is plenty of blame to go around, the truth is that we all did our part to maintain it. And now that we've hit a wall that will no longer ALLOW us to maintain that lie, perhaps we have an opportunity to embrace not only change but a willingness to be honest with ourselves and each other.

When we invite Truth we can begin to build Trust again in each other, in our government, etc. and build upon foundations that have their roots in Reality which is ultimately not black or white but every shade in between. And even though we have our differences, we can feel as though we are participants and part of the solution when we can gather round the Truth because the Truth acts as common ground.

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Runcible Spoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 04:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. To paraphrase another movie:
Edited on Sun Feb-22-09 04:21 PM by Runcible Spoon

Not you, but countless other citizens. Let's leave aside for a second the existential theoretical problems with defining "truth"; we know truth when it is put up against lies. Unfortunately, lies make an awful lot of the system going. Off the top of my head, of people knew the truth about:


etc etc etc

Those industries would probably fall. Now, the question is...should they? Another question...there are a lot of people trying to get information out there to expose the there a better way to get people to LISTEN?
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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 05:09 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. Well...many are 'falling' due to the lie upon which they were built.
Edited on Sun Feb-22-09 05:14 PM by Dover
SHould they? What else could they do?

Others simply seem to fall via the collapse of the collective values or illusions that manifested
them in the first place. They are simply no longer supported by the collective. We've moved on.

I'm guessing that if we began to express ourselves honestly and by extension collectively (perhaps the word truth is more problematic a term than honesty or authenticity...there are truths and then there is Truth), that one effect would be to embrace our common humanity because we see, witout illusion, who we are and hence recognize other's humanity as well. I have no idea what the bones and skeleton of such a society might ultimately look like, but I feel relatively certain that whatever was created would be a vast improvement and a step in the right direction. For instance, in a society that expressed itself more honestly and valued the truth, how might that effect our 'laws'? Or the way we trade goods?

We can begin to understand the profundity of these changes by simply practicing it in our own lives.
If we wait for others to reciprocate or guarantee they will act in kind we'll never get started.
We simply have to move toward that level of authenticity within and for ourselves, by understanding how it affects us positively individually and within our sphere of influence. The rest will take care of itself effortlessly.
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MrPerson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 04:25 PM
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2. All we need is Love.
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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 04:27 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Kind of a paradox how the 'simple' truths are the most difficult to achieve.
Or are they?
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MrPerson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 04:29 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Or we could follow the Bro Code
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