By Robin Mathews
Uncontrolled greed exhausts the world’s foodstuffs. Uncontrolled greed exhausts the world’s raw materials and wastes them in destruction of the environment. Uncontrolled greed pollutes the financial system, the economies of the world and legal structures everywhere. And all over the world starvation, deprivation, and war are the only constant facts. The most greedy people form ‘reconstruction’ committees - to invent new disguises for their acts of looting.
Penitent bankers, investment moguls – what have been called “the American Oligarchs”, a small group with too much power and too much money and tireless greed, gather with co-operating politicians around tables to apologize and to make sure no serious change takes place in the way the human community lives and uses and destroys the globe.
In all the places where the world most needs law the greedy make sure no law exists. For fifty years, and more, the greedy of the world have been destroying law. In those years – with a huge campaign of lies and seductive propaganda – the greedy have been unpicking any restraint upon the criminal pursuit of personal wealth. In a hundred ways they have been telling populations they are better off to lose control of the production of food, of sustained manufacturing, and of sound and whole local economies – AND of the financial and credit machinery the country uses.
They have been preaching those things – from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, corporate headquarters, from economic think-tanks, from universities, and from the political parties the greedy have created and financed.
The “people”, so far, don’t see what’s been going on, because the slow ascendancy to power of unrestrained, private, corporate greed has been so smooth and so favourably propagandized that it has seemed almost invisible. Besides,
people cannot believe greed can be so intense - that the greedy don’t care if the very planet is destroyed in their lunge for personal wealth (emphasis added /JC). Even the terms people have been given to use have fake meanings – protectionism, free trade, free markets, free enterprise, nationalism – and many more. to Part 2 here: