Fix problems in U.S. firstI am a sixth-generation, 15-year veteran. I am from the Kansas National Guard and have seen firsthand the disdain from active-duty troops and civilian contractors. Though I wear the same uniform and conform to the same rules they do, it would seem that I and others like me are a lesser life form.
I see the reason most of the world dislikes Americans — we are rude, wasteful, impolite and convinced of our superiority over other cultures. Until a few weeks ago, I, too, was in that group. Now, having been on the receiving end of that, I have changed.
A KBR driver passed a line of about 100 local national drivers to wash his hands and told me he did not have to wait in line behind them. I told him that he was no better than they were. That sort of thinking is prevalent, not only with civilians, but with the military as well. It’s disgusting.
Someone needs to pull the reins on Bush and this nonsense and fix the problems at home. Leave the rest of the world to fix its own problems.