Edited on Mon Feb-23-09 03:38 PM by Peace Patriot
Is he a foreign country or what?
He seems to be some sort of independent power, outside of our laws, outside of Congress' jurisdiction, even outside of the jurisdiction of the White House. Why isn't the Obama White House simply ordering him to testify? End. Of. Story.
Rove's position in the Bush Junta was NOT, oh...head of the CIA, or National Security Adviser, or Secretary of State. Presumably--at least prior to the Junta--his duties involved domestic politics. So I don't understand on what grounds Rove is "in negotiations with the White House" over the subpoena issued by a SEPARATE, INDEPENDENT BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT--Congress. First of all. And, secondly, what does Rove's testimony on the DoJ have to do with any issue of executive privilege? A White House political operative's potentially criminal interference with the DoJ is simply not covered by "executive privilege." "Executive privilege" does not include crimes. And thirdly: "Executive privilege" does not include the ordering of a crime by the President or anyone else (including VP Cheney who claimed to be a separate branch of government unto himself)--as established when Nixon ordered the Watergate coverup.
What we are--the White House, Congress and us poor peon citizens--dancing around here, in my opinion, is some kind of insider deal that granted Bush Junta principles immunity from impeachment and prosecution, in exchange for something. I think the somethings were, a) no nuking of Iran; b) leaving the White House peacefully when the time came, and possibly c) getting rid of Rumsfeld. I think The Deal occurred circa late 2006. And I think this is why, after the Democratic victories in 2006, Pelosi said, "impeachment is off the table," apropos of nothing. (WHAT table?) And I think Daddy Bush was part of that negotiation. His purpose was to protect Bush Jr. and all Bush Cartel essential operations and entities. Cheney had to be included because he knows too much about Bush Jr. (He was definitely an "independent foreign power" within the Junta.) And I think there were other, more well-meaning participants--from our military and intelligence services, some big insider politicos, and probably some major corpos--a mixed bag of motives, some good, some bad--who saw the necessity of curtailing Cheney and Rumsfeld.
So-o-o-o, the issue may be: Was Rove included in The Deal? We are talking here about "made men"? Was he "made"? Does he have the Bush mafia's protection? The issue does not seem to be entirely settled.
I think we suffered a coup, then a counter-coup, and what we are seeing now is the coverup of both. And this puts Obama in a dicey position, indeed. He cannot govern without the countercoup's support. He is probably president because of the countercoup's support (since rightwing Bushwhack corporations control the 'TRADE SECRET' code in all the voting machines). (I'm not saying Obama wasn't elected--I think he was, although neither he nor I nor anyone else can prove it--so non-transparent is our voting system. I think he WAS elected, but his mandate was significantly and fraudulently shaved, which--along with other controls on Obama--means no real reform, and of course no significant exposure of the Junta). I think Obama has agreed to these conditions in order to achieve power and that he is generally well-intentioned. So he has the problem of, this particular scandal will not go away, and a separate branch of government has asserted its own power in this instance. If he believes in his oath to uphold the Constitution*--and I think he does--this puts him in a bind. The questions may be: Can Rove testify without revealing impeachable/prosecutable offenses by "made man" Bush (or some other "made man")? Was Rove included in The Deal? (Is he a "made man" Bush designee?) Or, was there some ambiguous part to The Deal, regarding how far the immunity extended (to whom)? And, if he wasn't included in The Deal, what independent power--say blackmail dossiers?--does he possess that is currently causing the White House to treat him as if he were "an independent foreign government"?
*(--or to uphold the appearance of believing in his oath to the Constitution--which may be a more accurate way to put it. With Obama, I'm not saying he's totally hypocritical. I think that, in some cases--his included--the intention of suppressing Bush Junta accountability may be to keep the country stable, or to try to put it back on a stable course. I'm not saying I agree. I don't. I'm just saying I think that's what motivating some leaders.)