whatever you think of their beverage, or their corporation - there is a new boycott being arranged by the American Nosy Family Association - for Pepsi's support of their workplace diversity.
If nothing else, please drop them a line of support to balance the crazy stuff coming their way.
Thanks... here's the mess that they are up to:
American Family Association asked Pepsi to be neutral in the culture war and not support the homosexual agenda. Pepsi refused and plans to continue giving major financial support to homosexual organizations. In the last two years, Pepsi has given $500,000 to Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and another $500,000 to the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). The total of $1,000,000 was used to help promote homosexuality in the workplace.
• HRC and PFLAG were major supporters of efforts to defeat Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. HRC gave $2.3 million to the effort to defeat Prop 8.
• Pepsi forces all employees to attend sexual orientation and gender identity diversity training where they are taught to accept homosexuality.
• Pepsi’s products include Pepsi soft drinks (914-253-2000 or 1-800-433-2652), Frito-Lay chips (800-352-4477), Quaker Oatmeal (800-367-6287), Tropicana (800-237-7799) and Gatorade (800-884-2867).
• For more information, visit www.wearebigotedassholes.com (just kidding, didn't feel like linking again to their crap)
We are asking Pepsi to stop funding homosexual groups and remain neutral in the culture war. We agree to stop buying Pepsi products until the company stops funding homosexual groups.
"Pepsi’s products include Pepsi soft drinks, Frito-Lay chips and snacks (800-352-4477), Quaker Oats (800-367-6287), Tropicana (800-237-7799) and Gatorade (800-884-2867)"
So use their research and make a call, or buy some Pepsi or Quaker Oats if you're in the store. I can't stand the AFA.