Pawlenty Says Minnesota’s Lone Representation In The Senate Is Hurting The State
As Norm Coleman’s legal challenges to Al Franken’s recount victory for Minnesota’s U.S. Senate seat drag on, his friends in Congress have begun helping him foot the bill. Earlier this month, prominent Republicans held a “ritzy fundraiser” for Coleman with many “max
out to Coleman’s effort” (some giving as much as $10,000 in PAC money) while others pleaded with supporters in a YouTube message to contribute to his legal fight.
If Franken ultimately wins, the Senate Democratic caucus will grow to 59 members, close to a filibuster proof majority. But as evidence mounts that Coleman stands little chance of winning, speculation has emerged that Republicans in Congress are simply trying to keep Minnesota’s seat empty as long as possible to avoid making it easier for the Democrats to pass their agenda.
But the longer the seat remains vacant, the longer the citizens of Minnesota remain underrepresented. Indeed, today on C-SPAN, Minnesota’s Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) said that the lone representation in the senate is hurting the state:
HOST: {H}as it hurt the state not having a senator, a second senator available? <…>
PAWLENTY: Yes, it has put Minnesota at a disadvantage when there’s only 100 senators total and you are missing one and it is one of two from your state, that puts you at a disadvantage. When you have big legislation being decided and you are trying to fight for your perspective, or your influence on a piece of legislation it puts our state at a disadvantage.
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