GOP Senator Calls for U.S. to Rethink Cuba Policy
AP via FOX News ^ | 02/22/08
Posted on Sun Feb 22 16:19:55 2009 by Abathar
The U.S. policy of shunning communist Cuba by imposing a strict trade embargo has failed to prod the island nation toward democracy and should be re-evaluated, according to the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
In all honesty, outside of winning the good graces and votes of the Cuban exiles in the USA, why do we have an embargo on Cuba? China and Cuba are pretty much the same type of country, yet we have full relations with China and not Cuba.
I have been to China and I have been to a certain Caribbean nation not far from the American shore.
The conditions and freedoms for the people of that Caribbean nation are no worse than they are for the people in China.
If we can trade with China we can trade with all nations in our hemisphere.
Me personally, I just see no real practical reason to continue the embargo especially since we have full relations with "worse" countries.
The U.S. needs to call the Castros’ bluff by dropping the embargo and opening travel to Cuba.
The current Cuba Policy has been in place for almost 50 years and there has been no change in the situation.
Perhaps it is time to try something else or our grandchildren will be having the same debate.
IMO, Castro would be gone, and Chavez would never have emerged, if the embargo had been done away with 20 years ago.