Edited on Tue Feb-24-09 01:08 AM by 20score
Growing up I knew, as I’m sure a lot of people did, people who liked to push the limit on what they could get away with. This type of person didn’t seem to be sadistic and was usually fun to be around, even if it meant eventually getting into trouble. More often than not they grew up to have normal lives, free of criminal activities. But there was another type of person that I personally didn’t meet that often in my life, that left me a little shocked when they showed how far they would go; and what they considered to be within the realm of normal behavior. They would do something shocking, hurting someone out of the blue, blowing up a frog they caught, doing something sadistic and unexpected, leaving me or whomever was the witness slack-jawed – trying to absorb what had just happened. Then if they could, they would pin the blame on somebody else. Having never struck up a friendship with these people I can only guess as to how they turned out in life.
My feeling is though, that many of them ended up in jail - or running banks. Although I am sure some got jobs in the previous administration, and the ones with the gift of gab ended up as propagandists on right-wing radio or Fox News. It’s these people now who are leaving me slack-jawed and angry at just how far they are willing to go. Two or three years ago these people were blaming the media for Iraq War going wrong - because they were not reporting the ‘good news’ out of Iraq. After causing the war, after being responsible for the deaths of a million Iraqis and 4,000 US troops, they were now blaming the messenger, and when they could, blaming the people who were against the war from the beginning for all that had gone wrong in that war.
Now, this same type of person – and in most cases, the exact same people – are now blaming the victims for what’s gone wrong with the economy. This, after having caused the crisis in the first place. Not being satisfied with taking the money and running, causing millions to lose their jobs and homes, having caused a worldwide recession, possibly a depression, they are now blaming their victims. Using tactics employed by despots throughout time, they have pointed to “others” on which to pin their crimes. The immigrants/minorities/gays/poor/Jews, whomever. The tactics are the same, only the names of the groups change. And of course, even though anyone over the age of sixteen should be familiar with the tactics, a good portion of the populace falls for the trick.
The people who orchestrated the housing bubble, put in place the laws that allowed it to happen, nullified other laws that prevented it; the people who pushed this from the beginning, selling it to the public, knowing full well it would be bought – are now pointing to the victims, trying to get the public outraged at them.
Social ostracism is not enough for these bastards - they deserve jail!
And they certainly don't deserve to keep the money.