I first saw Sheldon Drobny asking a question during the initial "Free Press" media reform conference. It was held in Madison, Wisconsin, in 2003.
Shelly wanted a panel of funders to explain
why wealthy media reform advocates weren’t investing in buying up media outlets, which would change the Republican corporate bias of the press faster than complaining about it.
It would be a couple of years before I formally met Shelly and his wife Anita, but he certainly had made an impression on me by cutting to the chase.
Shelly and Anita went on to found
Air America (from which they were eased out) and then
Nova M (which has just gone under).
I write this now because Shelly has suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of failing to raise enough money to keep Nova M alive, the fall in the value of his own investments, and a series of lawsuits involving legal accusations back and forth regarding Nova M. On top of that, Randi Rhodes and the Drobnys parted ways, leaving Rhodes currently off the airwaves -- and with the demise of Nova M, Randi is going to need to find an alternative means of airing her program.
Sheldon was still finding in 2008 that, for the most part, wealthy progressives weren’t willing to sufficiently invest in building a liberal media infrastructure.But out of this debacle (and the still uncertain future of Air America with its ever-changing roster), I am reminded of the question that Shelly Drobny asked on a frigid winter day in Madison in 2003.
Why indeed do wealthy liberals – in general – refrain from financially backing progressive media? (BuzzFlash, for example, is supported by our readership, not by any large infusion of funds or advertising. That’s why we struggle -- with much heartburn -- to get by each month.)
The vision of Sheldon Drobny was to build a progressive radio presence that would compete with the still forceful propaganda voice of right wing dominance on the airwaves. (According to "Talkers Magazine," the top five 2009 radio show hosts are all right wingers. Only our good friend Thom Hartmannn makes the top ten as tenth.)
But Drobny found – to his distress (and ultimately a nervous breakdown) – that with the passage of years, the big liberal investors were putting their bucks into campaigns, some liberal "think tanks" and projects, but not – with rare exception – into ownership of the media itself.
Whatever the legal and personality issues the Drobnys are embroiled in, Sheldon should be saluted for fighting a lonely battle along with his wife Anita. The biased
"Republican talking points" way that the stimulus debate was framed by right wing radio and the corporate media is a testament to how prescient Shelly’s vision was back when I first heard him address the issue of media ownership.
We wish him a quick recovery.
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