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Stay Classy, Westboro Baptist Church

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ccharles000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-24-09 06:19 AM
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Stay Classy, Westboro Baptist Church
There isn't a whole lot I can say about this. So I just thought I would share that the Westboro Baptist Church has announced plans to protest outside of memorial services for the some of the victims of the Continental Flight 3407 crash in Buffalo.

Because apparently the crash was caused by God punishing us for being nice to gay people. Not, you know, ice build-up or irresponsible use of autopilot or any of the other speculated causes. Those trained investigators are just kidding themselves.

One of the funerals they intend to picket is that of human rights activist Alison Des Forges.

Really, what can I add? It pretty much speaks for itself.
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cboy4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-24-09 06:30 AM
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1. There's no difference between them and any other hate
group such as the Ku Klux Klan.

I think there's considerable mental illness within the Phelps family klan.

Only monsters would picket the funerals of gay bashing victims, and accident victims and U.S. soldiers.

And that's what they are.

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ejpoeta Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-24-09 06:32 AM
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2. Here is my thoughts on these people and their actions.....
Is this what jesus would do? I tend to not think so. What ever happened to judge not lest ye be judged?? let he without sin cast the first stone??? I think there is a special place in hell for people like this. How would they feel if some lunatics stood outside the funeral of one of their loved ones and pulled this kind of crap!! i bet they'd be very angry. These people make me sick!!
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Berry Cool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-24-09 06:42 AM
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3. Feministing is a bit behind on its news if someone blogged that as "news" yesterday.
Edited on Tue Feb-24-09 06:45 AM by Berry Cool
Here's what KO said last night, and which I read somewhere on DU this weekend, actually...

Counterdemonstrators overshadow Kansas fringe group

Outnumbered more than 50 times over, three members of a Kansas-based fringe group here to picket a memorial service for a victim of the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 were hushed and eclipsed Sunday by counterprotesters in Buffalo and Clarence.

With many counterdemonstrators wearing white plastic angel wings and others holding large white flags and banners, two efforts by the three from Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., were rousingly overshadowed by the response of area students and residents who gathered because they said they opposed the group’s hateful, anti-gay message.

“We wanted to show people that we don’t put up with that sort of hate in Buffalo,” said Meghann French, a city resident who stood Sunday afternoon on a Main Street sidewalk near the University at Buffalo’s South Campus. “We just don’t tolerate it.”...

Warms the cockles of your heart, doesn't it?

Edited to add this wonderful picture:

I think these people have hit on a great solution to all the Westboro nonsense. Surround them with angels' wings. Sing songs that drown them out. Show them that their message will not win.

Reminds me of what Martin Luther King said about hate...only love can drive it out.
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