In a Free Country, with a newly elected President with a mandate and the nation crashing into fiery ruin from the agony of felonies and treasons committed by the previous administration of tyrants.
But America is not a Free Country, just with a lot of pretend window-dressing to keep the sheep docile, and less of that is required every day.
Gallup, an Infoganda Unit trying to reconcile proper polling techniques with Plausible Deniability and the need to contribute their piece of Bushiganda, which is, of course, that there is NO MANDATE for a Bush Investigation. is the new flavor of Inverted Totalitarianism and it's Palusible Deniabilty. The information is out there, though no one butthe most dedicated can ever find or see it, and the small thing by Gallup, has a headline that is demonstrably contradicted not only byt he contents of the article, but by history.
Prior to Nixon's Investigation, less than 30% of Americans were for it. Guess, in criminal matters of a High Crimes and Misdemeanors nature, in Free Countries, even 30% is a mandate.
But even 90% or 99% wouldn't matter, not in America, not with America's docile Subject Populace who will mak GREAT concentration camp guards and State Informants, once the Bushies get to that phase of their program when they pick up right where they left off.
Of course, it's all absurd, to those who can SEE. But most cannot, as they are comfortably surrounded by a cocoon of false reality as strong as anything the Nazis ever devised for their people.
And most people, as history shows conclusively, just go along to get along, no matter who is in charge, be in Mahathma Ghandhi or Adolf Hitler.
Don't fault the Nazis for not being as subtle as Bushies. First off, they didn't need to be, due to the circumstances of the time. Second, their understanding of marketing, advertising, perception management, and large-group statistical psychology was inferior by far to modern Bushies.