Everyone was scared of him - even the other managers - because he was large and loud and often angry. The only people who weren't were three of the programmers - one who would tell him what he could do with his unrealistic time lines and made sure the higher-ups knew what he (the programmer) had given as a time line, and that it had been ignored, and then my friend/co-worker and I, who would openly mock him in front of others, in the hopes that he would never walk down our cube aisle for anything short of an emergency... and it worked.
The most fun we had with him was when he came back from the regional branch after watching some videos on FISH (if you don't know what that is, google FISH program) and was wandering around the cube farm shooting people with a Nerf Gun. My friend and I called him down to ask him what was going on, and he explained that we would be watching some videos on how to have fun at work like he did. I asked him, "So you need a video to show you how to have fun? Isn't that a little sad?" and it then became a conversation between my friend and me while we discussed the ramification of that shortcoming (amongst many others that we just started randomly assigning) while he stood there trying (and failing to get a word in edgewise). Finally, he screamed, "FINE! WHATEVER!" and stomped away. During lunch, my friend and I went to Toys R Us where I bought the largest Nerf gun I could find so I could shoot him, and its range was so good, I could get him anywhere in the cube farm.