Funds Not Sheltered From Budget Cuts
Women's safety advocates called on Congress Wednesday to hike funding for the nation's domestic violence shelters, which are being forced to scale back services or eliminate them altogether due to the ailing economy.
"During these grim economic times, when shelters are struggling mightily to do more with less and serve a population in great need, maintaining and expanding core state and federal funding for these emergency shelters becomes even more essential," said Anne Menard, director of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence in Harrisburg, Pa.
Menard spoke Wednesday at a news conference marking the release of a study showing the effectiveness of shelters in meeting survivors' needs, which she and other advocates plan to use in a campaign to lobby lawmakers for more money for shelters.
Congress is currently authorized to spend up to $175 million a year for the program. But the actual allocation of federal dollars is subject to a congressional vote, and lawmakers last year set aside $123 million; over $50 million less than was approved. That was a slight cut from fiscal 2007, when Congress spent $125 million on the program.
Women's safety advocates also want Congress to fully fund the Violence Against Women Act, a broader anti-violence law originally passed in 1994 that provides some funds for domestic violence shelters but also sets aside money for a wide range of other services relating to sexual and domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, chair of the Congressional Caucus on Women's Issues, a bipartisan group of female lawmakers in the House, says she will push for more money for women's safety this year.
"We know that the Family Violence Prevention Services Act needs adequate funding; their shelters are considered emergency rooms," she said. And the "reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act is up in 2010, and we want to be ready for that, ensuring that it's a priority."
Fully functioning shelters are needed now more than ever, Schakowsky added.
"When people are under financial stress, when men lose their jobs, and women too, it just increases the stress and the conflict at home," she said in a recent interview. "So we have to be looking long and hard at funding for those kinds of programs."
forever thank you Jan