They might need to change their site name to the "Rapture Ready Republic" Help Needed 4 Freeper Kids 2,5,6&9, What webs 2 rely on to know when to go 2 High Alert?
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 11:56:11 by steve0
Hey, I have 4 kids and I need to provide and protect them, as much as I can, from harm and hardship. There is too much conflicting information for one man to sort out. I have read that I should: 1. Watch news on the US. Treasury Auctions, as if less buyers or China doesn’t buy then I am justified in resorting to panic? 2. Panic when intrade World Crisis Index hits 75? 3. Panic when US service on debt gets close to or exceeds US revenue receipts? 4. Just before Obama nationalizes(which is imminent) the banks? Isn’t that the trigger point where the Krona currency in Iceland dropped by half its value? 5. We are Freepers, so why did we fail at not recognizing what was happening on 9/15/08 until long after the occurrence? Isn’t there some way we could have known about it so we could decide whether to panic or not? For example, isn’t there some indices or measure we could be watching to see if its about to happen again? steve0
I have 2 kids and if things got very bad, I plan to take them to my hometown where I have family, it is a small town and it is rural. Do you have any “safe” place to go if you needed to? We have GPS and maps to use back roads if we needed to.
I have a full pantry and I have water purification and firemaking and solar cooking know-how (from Girl and Boy Scouts)- also lightweight survival blankets. The kids have good walking shoes, we’re going to the dentist next week to make sure they are in good shape. I am keeping the gas tank full and hope to know when to start keeping cash at home, Just prepare as if a big storm was coming.
Sorry if this sound silly and alarmist. Just my rudimentary thoughts.
8 posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:04:45 by silverleaf (Freedom's just another word for "nothing left to lose")
To: El Cid
Paul Washer is another good one to listen to.
All the physical preparation in the world will never be enough unless the soul is saved.
16 posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:18:03 by ItsOurTimeNow ("But there were some who resisted...")
To: steve0
5. We are Freepers, so why did we fail at not recognizing what was happening on 9/15/08 until long after the occurrence? Isn’t there some way we could have known about it so we could decide whether to panic or not?
I recognized it happening in 1992 when we elected a President amid shouts of "character doesn't count". My response was to start doing international business, so that I could potentially have an escape route. (Of course, I stupidly didn't anticipate that my kids would grow roots).
To: steve0
Well, here is my 2 cents worth:
Learn to live local. Try to not travel any further than possible.
Either turn your back yard into a garden or garden with someone knowledgeable on a coop basis. If you do this, remember that time is money and BE SURE YOU SHOW UP AND WORK WITHOUT BEING ASKED (Do you have older people in your church, family or friends who have garden space and knowledge, but putting in a big garden is too much for them. Work something out, then keep your part of the bargain).
Reduce your debt load - I would highly recommend the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University. Go to the website and put your zip code in and you can find a class near you, or start a class.
Figure out what you would need to buy, and what you can grow or raise (for example, we are stocking up on coffee - our favorite - and storing it and hope to have at least a 1 year supply - we can raise or grow almost everything else.)
Make changes now. Learn to culture foods and teach your kids to eat those foods. Learn to make sourdough bread.
Wean yourself off of everything provided by Western culture that you don’t need. Worst case sceniaro is that in 6 months everything recovers and you have become closer to your family and the land. Again, make changes now. Learn to make soup from almost nothing.
Learn how to live in health so you don’t need a doctor or hospital. Use doctors and hospitals for emergencies only. Otherwise, learn healthy, simple living practices. I highly recommend Nourishing Traditions, a cookbook which gives you a roadmap to healthy living (and local living). It is a companion book to a much older book (but really a good one) by Weston Price called Nutrition and degenerative disease. Live in such a way that cholesteral, high blood pressure and heart disease, dementia and other junk are not an issue.
Make sure you are right with the Lord. Always be ready to meet him. Make sure your children are ready. Use wisdom, not panic, to govern your life.
Hope this is helpful to you. If not, just chalk it up to the ramblings of a woman fighting panic every day (today I am winning).
To: steve0
This is exactly what I’ve been thinking, but I’d probably say, “When is it time to ACT”, not panic.
I have to buy:
- $2000 worth of fencing and t-posts
- materials to build a goat shed, chicken coop, rabbit warren, milking stall and disbudding stall
- grain bins (probably garbage cans), watering troughs, hoses for the garden, etc.
- about $1500 worth of goods (meat grinder, sewing kit, extra fridge, etc)
Do I have a year to get all this together or months or weeks? At what point do I have to *move*? If I know that I have a year, we’ll be fine.
But will we make it a year?
To: steve0
I don't have to panic. I have guns and ammo. Anything I'll need I'll just get from some metrosexual sissy hoarder.
And I'll have to do is pull a 9mm cartridge from my pocket and he'll faint right away. When he wakes up he'll 'give' me his BMW, his stereo system, Plasma TV, his money, all his canned goods and prolly even throw in his trophy wife, Buffy. Just as long as I promise not to wrinkle his $3000.00 suit, mess his hair, or scuff his hand made Italian shoes.
To: Marie
My opinion is that we have about 6 months. By the fall, inflation should be kicking into high gear, which should cause all kinds of unpleasant things. Just double your efforts.
We are adding a greenhouse to the front of our house from scrap materials, and we are pouring concrete with piping in the floor that we can heat with our wood stove (hubby is a concrete guy, so we can do that for almost nothing). Already have the garden, pigs, chickens and neighbor has a cow.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think they are going about this all wrong. IMHO, if they want to "save" themselves, they
MUST LEAVE THE UNITED STATES IMMEDIATELY!!!!!I hear the "markets" in Iraq are litterally