I wrote this speech for Mr. Obama. Of course, he will never read it, but it was fun and easy to do. What would you write if you had the chance? This was mine.
My fellow Americans,
I want you to listen very closely to my voice right now. What I have to say to you tonight is of the upmost importance.
First of all, I wish to say that it is not the intention of this Administration that anyone, and please let me repeat, anyone be left behind. Now, we all know that this is the desire of a few people in Washington, and maybe even the majority of a certain political party. But, let’s be clear about this. Nobody will be left behind.
Those among us who are crippled, suffer from a mental illness, or who are simply out of luck and work have nothing to fear from this administration. As we have all heard, the political rhetoric in this matter has been profound and fierce recently, and little of it truly expresses the intentions of this administration. It would be more accurate to say that this rhetoric only expresses the fears of whoever speaks it. Let me say this again. Nobody will be left behind while our country makes the transition back to prosperity. There is enough for all of us.
We have all heard the incessant attacks upon my mortgage restructuring plans. Nobody will be left out of the opportunity to refinance their home. I only propose that those who would be typically overlooked be allowed a fair hearing and an equal opportunity to stay in their home. Nobody will be paying for anyone else’s mortgage, and everyone will benefit across the spectrum. Let me say this to those of you who have a secure job. If you refinance your 6% mortgage at the new lower rates, then you too can expect to save tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of your home. It is my belief that this extra spending power will stimulate the economy. Those who really want to keep you from this opportunity have been spinning fear and untruths because they wish to prosper from your sweat encapsulated within the higher interest rates.
There will be some sacrifices.
The wealthy will no longer be left behind in their opportunity to patriotically support this nation by paying their own way. Yes, this means that the wealthiest 2% among us will see an increase in their personal income tax. It is time that they too, are allowed to share in the immense burdens of this nation. We are working with offshore banks for information on those Americans who wish to not support our great nation. Once discovered, these illegal Americans will be given a choice. Pony up to your responsibilities just like those working for minimum wage, or be deported to the country of our, not your, choosing. You will no longer be welcome here.
Furthermore, any domestic corporation that expects our young to die for their corporate prosperity will be required to keep the future of our young stateside in the form of high paying jobs. If those in the boardroom cannot abide by this, then we will help them move, to the country of their choosing, and their patent rights will be sold to any American Corporation willing to keep the jobs here. We will be outsourcing CEO jobs.
During the next 4 years, we will be actively removing government from your personal life. The government will no longer care who you love, who you marry, or question your parenting decisions. The focus of this administration will be on the morality of capitalism, and not the morality of the individual. For this reason, no more government money will be handed out to churches. Furthermore, any religious organization that is found to be a political organization will be taxed. In fact, I have already established a commission to investigate the ways in which we may tax the religious organizations so that they too can provide a social benefit to us all, and not just their own.
I could go on for a very long time, but I will not be able to keep from saying REPUBLICAN BASTARDS somewhere along the way, so I better cut it short. If you could write a speech for Mr. Obama, what would you say?