Miller Says 401(k) Plans Are High-Stakes ‘Crap Shoot’ (Update3)
By Alexis Leondis
Feb. 24 (
Bloomberg) -- House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller said 401(k) retirement plans do not provide sufficient retirement security for many Americans and must be revamped.
Miller, a California Democrat, recommended better disclosure of 401(k) fees and more objective marketing of retirement products to investors at a Washington hearing today on the effectiveness of existing retirement savings plans.
Investors had $2.7 trillion in 401(k) accounts as of Sept. 30, according to the Washington-based Investment Company Institute, which represents mutual funds. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that workers lost $2 trillion over a span of 15 months from declining stock markets at an October hearing of the House Education and Labor Committee.
“For too many Americans, 401(k) plans have become little more than a high-stakes crap shoot,” said Miller. “We are realizing that Wall Street’s guarantees of predictable benefits and peace of mind throughout retirement was nothing more than a hollow promise.”
The panel of witnesses is “divided on whether we can have 401(k)s as the only supplement,” to Social Security, said Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. ..........(more)
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