The GOP had, until very recently, a lot of "wise old men" to advise them on policy, politics and tactics. Bush Sr., Nixon, Kissinger, Bennett...bastards one and all, but they were/are also some of the sharpest political knives in the drawer. Nixon and Kissinger were two of the most awesome political mechanics we've ever seen, and having people like that to advise your party is indispensible.
The Democratic Party could have had John Kennedy as one of our wise old men, but he got his head blown off in the back seat of his car in Texas. We could have had Robert Kennedy, but he got his head blown off in a hotel kitchen in California. We could have had Martin Luther King, Jr., but he got his throat shot out on a hotel balcony in Memphis. We could have had Medgar Evers, but he got shot in the back in his own Mississippi driveway. We could have had Malcolm X, but he got riddled on a stage in New York.
Our braintrust, or wise old men, all died young. Their absence created a wisdom/knowledge vaccuum that still affects us to this day.
The GOP old-school brain trusters may have all been bastards, but they knew their shit, and helped a minority party dominate politics for a long time. The fact that these wise old GOP men have nearly all passed on these last few years is a good piece of the reason why the GOP suddenly can't get out of its own way politically anymore. They can't make those phone calls to those old-timers to get good tactical advice anymore.
We lost our wise old men before any of them got old. We have suffered for their absence.