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Good Morning! - Morning Headlines

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Caro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-27-07 08:03 AM
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Good Morning! - Morning Headlines
Morning headlines brought to you by

Carolyn Kay

Top Story
Bush sticks to agenda amid conflicts
WASHINGTON - The attorney general is struggling to keep his job in a standoff with Congress over the purging of U.S. prosecutors. The war spending bill is stuck over whether troops should stay in Iraq, another bit of brinksmanship with lawmakers.

Off the Wahl

The World
Iraqi VP warns against Turkish incursion
ANKARA, Turkey - Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi on Tuesday warned against a possible Turkish incursion into Iraq to fight separatist Kurdish guerrillas and promised to prevent cross-border attacks by the rebels.

Israeli, Palestinian leaders to meet
JERUSALEM - After three days of intensive Mideast diplomacy, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced Tuesday that Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed to begin meeting every two weeks.

Iran Questioning Detained U.K. Troops
Iran says it's questioning 15 British sailors and marines to determine if their alleged entry into Iranian waters was "intentional or unintentional" - the first sign it could be seeking a way out of the standoff.

Northern Ireland rivals agree historic self-rule deal
BELFAST (AFP) - Northern Ireland's arch-enemy Protestant and Catholic leaders clinched a historic 11th-hour deal Monday to restore self-rule for the province, after unprecedented face-to-face talks.

The Nation
Pelosi: House Bill Restores Constitutional Checks and Balances in Appointment of Interim U.S. Attorneys
Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement this evening on H.R. 580, Restoring Checks and Balances in the Confirmation Process of U.S. Attorneys, which passed by a vote of 329 to 78:

Conservatives oppose pet projects
WASHINGTON - Senate conservatives and the Bush administration are taking aim at billions of dollars of non-war spending added to President Bush's $100 billion funding request for Afghanistan and Iraq.
Oppose. Uh huh. Those same “conservatives” have been responsible for more pork than Hormel. —Caro

Gonzales aide won't testify in Senate
WASHINGTON - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' liaison with the White House will refuse to answer questions at upcoming Senate hearings about the firings of eight U.S. attorneys, citing her Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination, her lawyer says.

U.S. can't account for 600,000 fugitives
WASHINGTON - Teams assigned to make sure foreigners ordered out of the United States actually leave are grappling with a backlog of more than 600,000 cases and can't accurately account for the fugitives' whereabouts, the government reported Monday.

Da-Do-Rahm-Rahm: Colbert Responds to 'Ban' By Democratic Boss
NEW YORK Rep. Rahm Emmanuel, the Democratic Party boss, made news last week when he suggested that freshmen House Democrats avoid appearing on Comedy Central's Colbert Report, fearing they might be made to look foolish through clever editing (wouldn't be the first time). Colbert struck back Monday night, revealing that Emmanuel had not yet responded to his offer to appear on the show. And, claiming that clever editing was a non-issue, he sat down with PBS's Gwen Ifill and allowed her to interview him -- saying viewers at home could then twist his words any way they wanted by going to his Web site,

Remember the key point: They simply don’t care. On Saturday, the SEIU had the good sense to sponsor a Democratic forum on health care. Seven White House candidates took part, including the current front-runners. Karen Tumulty capably hosted the forum; at Swampland, she outed the rest of her cohort. “I suspected that my colleagues in the press filing center weren't entirely thrilled at spending a Saturday in Las Vegas this way,” she wrote. And she said her suspicions were confirmed when she received (an) e-mail:… "We don't want to write about health care."… In a later post, Tumulty said that her e-mailer had been kidding. But for Democrats, there’s a long, painful history here.

Latest Bogus Media Line: Dems Offer Voters Nothing Beyond "Only" Investigating GOP
It's getting harder and harder to open your newspaper or turn on your TV without hearing a variation of the claim that the Democratic Congressional majority is offering voters nothing beyond "only" investigating the GOP and the White House… Glenn Greenwald highlights a poll that shows that the American people see investigations into GOP malfeasance as something to be "for" by an overwhelming margin. It finds that 72% -- nearly three out of four -- think Congress should investigate the Attorney Purge, while only 21% think it shouldn't.

The most revealing three-minute You Tube clip ever
I want to return to the video clip of the jovial and dismissive discussion of the U.S. attorneys scandal on (Sunday)'s Chris Matthews Show… Just as was true for their virtually unanimous insistence that there was no wrongdoing worth investigating in the Plame case -- including the serial lying and obstruction of justice from the Vice President's top aide, one of the most powerful people in the White House – (media stars) also see nothing wrong whatsoever with serial lying and corruption by the Attorney General in this case.
Click through to watch the video. —Caro

Technology & Science
Start-up Zenzui makes mobile Internet more personal
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - US technology start-up ZenZui launched on Tuesday, offering a test version of software that lets people customize mobile telephones with tile-shaped icons that link quickly to favored websites.

Docs fix hearts with stem cell injections
NEW ORLEANS (AFP) - Doctors have rejuvenated post-heart attack patients by injecting them with stem cells, said two studies released Sunday.

Doubts cloud adult stem cell research
A magazine investigation has raised new doubts about pioneering adult stem cell studies, leaving questions about the much-touted medical potential of these cells.

Ancient Lizard Missing Front Limbs
Remains from a 95-million-year-old marine creature with nubs for legs sheds light on how lizards crept along the evolutionary conveyor belt and morphed into slinky snakes.

Global Warming May Create New Climates
A study says some climates may disappear from Earth entirely, not just from their current locations, while new climates could develop if the planet continues to warm.

Bush Praises "Flex-Fuel" Vehicle Benefits
Meeting with top automakers, President Bush touted the benefits of "flexible fuel" vehicles that can run on ethanol and biodiesel to boost support for his energy plans. He urged Congress to move on alternative fuel legislation.

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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-27-07 08:22 AM
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1. Every two weeks - Israel Palestinian talks - how many miles of the wall
can be built every two weeks?
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