The Republicans are AFRAID not to stand!
11 Bravo
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:37 PM
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The Republicans are AFRAID not to stand! |
Watch it! When was the last time you watched a Democratic president address the Congress while BOTH sides of the aisle stood at the applause lines! Barack Obama OWNS these chumps ... and they know it!
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:37 PM
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:38 PM
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2. Yeah, I noticed that, too. nt |
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:38 PM
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3. They follow Boners lead |
it's hilarious if you can catch it. All of them are staring at Boner and if he stands they all stand, some of them look totally pissed that he's standing up but they don't have the stones to sit there because they know they'll get spanked by Mitch back at the ranch.
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:39 PM
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4. That's our President... |
his speech is so good that the 'pubs fear the repercussions of not standing. Oh glorious schadenfreude!
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:39 PM
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5. heh--ok, NOW the tide is turning.... |
Stinky The Clown
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:39 PM
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The rock star is speaking. They're fine to oppose on cablenooz ...... but not on network.
Joe the Liberal
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:39 PM
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7. I think they are just too old........... |
they can't keep standing up and sitting down because of the arthritis!!!
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:40 PM
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8. Look at how high the McCain voters are rating his speech on MSNBC!! |
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:40 PM
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9. Realize there is a certain protocol to this |
so yes, some of that standing, is protocol
11 Bravo
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:42 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
11. Shit, they sat and HISSED at Bill Clinton. This is a whole new day. |
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:44 PM
Response to Reply #11 |
13. And nobody called them on it |
But some of this is protocol
From your handle, you know what I speak about
11 Bravo
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:49 PM
Response to Reply #13 |
16. Agreed. But it just seems to me that the R's used feel safe in ignoring protocol. |
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:41 PM
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Haole Girl
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:43 PM
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12. Now they are starting to show their true colors |
And sitting on their fat, corporate-owned, asses.
Historic NY
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:44 PM
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14. I love watching them looking to see who claps. they look like morans. |
snake in the grass
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:49 PM
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15. If they are afraid not to stand... |
...they should follow their leader's example and get some unprescribed viagra!
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Tue Feb-24-09 09:49 PM
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17. Basically, the repubs are afraid of everything! |
I've told my kids that for all of their tough talk, they're the ones huddling in the corner, pissing themselves over every little thing, which is why they love their authoritarian figures.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:26 PM
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