First, it’s a tactic, folks. There is no evidence that it is about “being acceptable” to republicans or changing liberal goals. If you listened to Obama’s speech tonight, the sub-text (listening between the lines) is quite clearly the most expansive liberal platform in generations. What you are hearing, what is bothering you about Obama is the careful way that he tactfully avoids using traditional liberal frames that the GOP has made an art-form out of destroying. Obama realizes that the GOP has a powerful narrative for every traditional liberal party platform. Thus, he is reframing the words we use and in the process, denying much of the power that poli-chatter on the right that has traditionally had, powerful poli-chatter (Reference to Republican Noise Machine) that was usually effective in distracting the country. Sing along, you know all the bullshit-Big Government Liberals-Anti Family Values-Pro-abortion-Handouts-Tax and Spend-and so many more “song and dance” rhetorical tricks. Now, does that mean that we will not here these things from them. NO-but it’s going to sink them this time as opposed to save them. The political climate has shifted.
Why “reaching across the aisle”?
Obama is daring them-slap my hand as I reach out to you. Slap it and every time you do you will be slapping the American people in the face. I can not understand why people don’t get it yet. He is forcing them to publicly oppose policies that the public overwhelming supported and to slap the hand of a president who has widespread trust and respect. Honestly, what do you think the end result is going to be?
Well, my prediction is that every time they do, he will gain political capital and they will lose it.
From a sociological perspective, this package will “do the job”. As a radical, I could definitely complain about all the things it lacks, however revenge is a plate better served cold. The cold plate that I want served up is a complete destruction of every traditional GOP party platform possible. Do you feel the breeze yet?
The targeted short-term spending and heavy focus on long term solutions to correct the malfunctioning of basic social institutions will rejuvenate the economic situation. Yes, I realize the arguable ratio of short to long is roughly in the area of 50/50, however, we are talking about a massive spending package. Furthermore, we need about half of it to roll out immediately. In fact, we needed this about two years ago.
We are spending somewhere in the area of 300 billion dollars that are “long-term solution oriented” on progressive programs. If spent wisely, this unprecedented spending will have a massive cumulative effect. Traditionally sociologists, or more narrowly economists, will speak of the powerful effect of infrastructure investment as a robust predictor of economic growth, usually upwards of explaining 90% of the variance in a regression equation. While there are problems with the measure economic growth, especially GDP measures, the overall the relationship between investment and growth is solid. It is also not that complex, as well as relatively circular, which is good because all economic active must maintain a cycle to be healthy. I love teasing linear economists by calling it the “if you build it they will come and use it” relationship, however, the principles are generally solid.
What I have been worried about (until tonight) was oversight of the spending and accountability. It appears that Obama understands this as evidenced of the transparency and accountability agenda as outlined in his speech. I have seen a speech like this from him before and the end result was govtrack and the 2006 transparency act. So, if you want to get an idea of how the website will function as well as the interactive capabilities then check out govtrack.
When you combine these policies and robust spending with Obama’s skillful rhetorical perma-campaign is very coordinated and thoughtfully planned out. I predict that he will maintain higher average levels of poli-capital than any other prez (yes, ever) using this refined combo-tactic.
So, lets look at his skillful use of reframing the liberal poli-speech in this last election and look for evidence of how it works.
He went the entire campaign and not mention "affirmative action" much because he wanted the media to comment on his "post-racial" campaign-which deflected the race baiting of the GOP. Instead-equality-ending bigotry-appealing to reason and debate-and creating a government that works-are all examples of the reframing themes that he used. He worked the media like a champ, "Obama is not meeting with prominent black leaders, Wooo!". I guess that means that the themes of equality, tolerance, and ending bigotry refers to the plight of the white man. Ha!! I don’t know if you have realized it yet, but it worked, he was elected in a massive landslide and is now the prez of the US. It is now ok to pinch yourself, a real prez has entered the building and the horror story has left.
Oh no, Im not done yet
Economic parity, really!!!-Obama-you sly liberal-I want to have your baby!!!, You remember hearing it during on January 20th? Thats redistribution folks-by definition to achieve economic parity, the United States would have to redistribute wealth and income down as opposed to up. I love it!! For once a leader that understood, avoid certain words or the debate will become about those words. Re-frame and re-label our issues so that you can have an opportunity to explain how those issues affect the lives of citizens.
For people who don understand what the "post-partisan" theme means-it means, calling us a liberal (etc) will have a negative effect because we are in an era of post-partisan politics. Thats what it means, it is rhetorical deflective tactic-define the climate of debate as post-partisan while engaging in the debate. Its a rhetorical trick bc an opponent denies his competition all of the typical frames and concepts. Of course, the evidence that we are post-partisan is that when you start the name calling Obama will respond with frames such as "having reasonable disagreements" and "respecting others opinions" as well as reminding people that we are moving beyond the "old politics". Labels become real in there consequences once established via rhetorical tactics to construct reality. Just ask the witches during witch hunts. The end result is that the perception of a post-partisan government begins to emerge as reality. Those who claim to be and act “post-partisan” are viewed as strong leaders and others who participate in the “old politics” are viewed as petty, mean spirited, out-of-touch, desperate, as well as responsible for “holding the country back”.
Need more;
"Realizing our common interests" is one of the most common phrases used by Marx in every thing he ever wrote. I was loving it during the election because the GOP was calling him a communist but could not even put it together that he was using one of Marx's favorite concepts regarding social relations. God, the GOP is stupid.
The final blow to the repubs will be his plan to deal with international conflicts. Finally, someone gets it. Reaching out to marginalized regions via development and trade undermines conflict and increases the stability of economic relations. It is also an aspect of macro economics that stabilizes the jobs of nations. You ever notice how our jobs and corporations take advantage of war torn area's. This is because conflict decreases property values, wage labor rates, and breeds the exploitation of natural resources. If people are fighting, they must sell their resources for weapons. If it is developed, then local, regional, and international business will block multinational corporations ability to re-locate. Once again, the most fundamental predictive relationship in economics, investment in infrastructure development explains 90% of economic activity. Schools, roads, housing, etc, are necessary components of a successful economy. If you plant the seeds of a basic infrastructure, a forest emerges, and in the process people decide that development is better than killing each other. Duh! You want air-conditioning or a bullet in the head?
So, what does the repub. party have to offer? The answer is nothing. They will need time to come up with some new idea's. Thats all they have ever had anyway. They don't legislate, they attempt to define culture by embedding “conservative values” (hate) in federal documents such as defining marriage between men and women. Thats what they offered the religious right, a definition. Talk about pathetic.
That cool breeze, the refreshing feeling that you might have felt listening to that stud slack upon his bully pulpit talking about more education, better and more affordable healthcare, tax breaks for the middle class and below, as well as mandatory high school education and more college education graduates than any other country-etc. That cool breeze, that is change. I don’t know about you, but Im feeling it.