A frosty reception for an embattled senator
Burris gets polite but distant treatment from his fellow lawmakers
WASHINGTON - Sen. Roland Burris got unmistakably polite but distant treatment from House and Senate members at President Barack Obama's address to Congress Tuesday — a sure sign of trouble in the culture of Capitol Hill.
A few nodded, smiled at him or shook his hand. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. gave him a hug on his way into the chamber.
"I did nothing wrong, Jesse. I did nothing wrong," Burris said, not needing to fill Jackson in on the calls for Burris' resignation from Illinois to Washington. Jackson nodded but didn't say much.
Burris turned, grinned and waved — it wasn't clear to whom — as he moved down the aisle between Sens. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and John McCain, R-Ariz. They were polite, but focused elsewhere.